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Title: Wage Structures in Rhodesia
Keywords: Finance
Issue Date: Sep-1968
Publisher: Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.)
Abstract: A modern industry requires a rapidly increasing number and a high proportion of technical, professional and managerial personnel. This is equally true whether ownership is private or public. This skilled staff is concerned with the functions of planning, organisation direction, training and research that have become indispensible to modern factory production and to urban communities. (d) The personnel constituting this group should be continually increasing in size and significance. They require an ever higher degree of formal education and training and substantial resources in the community tend to be devoted to their development. In a developing country like Rhodesia, which has a small economically active population and a large population still in the subsistence economy, the requirements for personnel to fulfill these functions are proportionally higher than for economically developed countries. The requirements for the near future will be even higher in view of the rapidly increasing population in the subsistence economy for whom employment is to be found.
Other Identifiers: Scholtz, J.A. (1968) Wage Structures in Rhodesia.The Rhodesia Journal of Economics, vol. 2, no.3, (pp. 38-44). UZ (formerly University College Rhodesia), Harare (formerly Salisbury): RES.
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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