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Title: Issues on Curriculum Development for Moral Education
Keywords: Education
Issue Date: Mar-2006
Publisher: Human Resource Research Centre (HRRC) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.)
Abstract: Curriculum design and implementation has been a preserve of educational policy makers and curriculum designers from time immemorial More often, emphasis has been on drawing up a curriculum that prepares children for the world of work. This has been the situation in independent Zimbabwe. Very little attention has been given to traditional moral values when setting up curriculum objectives, yet there has been moral decadence in contemporary society due to the failure by social institutions such as schools and universities to teach moral values. Curriculum designers have not put much weight on the need to introduce the moral dimension in the school curriculum. This article makes an attempt to suggest a moral education curriculum that takes these cardinal virtues into consideration.
Other Identifiers: Mangena, F. (2006) Issues on Curriculum Development for Moral Education. Zimbabwe Journal of Education Research (ZJER), vol. 18, no.1, (pp. 1-16.) UZ, Mt. Pleasant, Harare: HRRC.
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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