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Title: Education for Participation
Keywords: Economic Development
Issue Date: Mar-1975
Publisher: Rhodesian Economic Society. University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.)
Abstract: The title that has been chosen for this Symposium, “African Participation in the Rhodesian economy”, is certainly topical. All of us are well aware, of course, that Africans do, in fact, play a major part in our economic life. In 1973, there were almost 900 000 of them in employment, earning nearly $320 million; buying power that stimulated economic activity very considerably. In some respects, the Rhodesia of today resembles the United States of America of something over a century ago. Like the United States of that time, we, today, have the majority of our people subsisting in the rural areas, while the industrial base of our economy is still relatively small.
Other Identifiers: Cameron, J.D. (1975) Education for Participation. Rhodesia Journal of Economics (RJE) vol. 9, no. 1, (pp. 39-46.) UZ (formerly University of Rhodesia.), Harare (formerly Salisbury) : Rhodesia Economic Society .
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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