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Title: The African and Plastic Surgery
Keywords: Health
Science and Society
Issue Date: Aug-1958
Publisher: Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University College of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe)
Abstract: Experience with and treatment of Africans in need of reconstructive surgery, including a number of cases at the Salisbury African hospital in the last two and a half years, indicates the need for Africans generally to be made aware of the possibility of repair of congenital deformity, trauma and the effects of disease. There is a great need to educate the African, particularly in the more remote districts, to seek early treatment in the case of burns, one of the most common types of injury requiring repair and one in which delay carries with it the possibility of irreparable injury in some cases, and difficulty of treatment in all cases. There are also many cases in which it has been found that an African has suffered for years from some congenital deformity, or effects of disease, which could have been repaired sooner had he been aware of that possibility.
Other Identifiers: Clayden, G.E. (1958) The African and Plastic Surgery. CAJM vol. 4, no. 8 (pp. 317-322.) UZ (formerly University College Rhodesia), Harare (formerly Saluisbury): Faculty of Medicine.
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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