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Title: The Widows Lot — a Remedy?: The Application of Spoilation Orders in Customary Succession
Keywords: Gender
Issue Date: 1983
Publisher: Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ)
Abstract: Reform is required in many areas of the law in Zimbabwe, particularly so in matters affecting family law and succession. However, the process of amending the law is often slow, particularly where change goes to the very root of the social system. Pending change, therefore there is a need to ensure that the rights of individual as they exist under current law are vigorously enforced and protected. Even if radical amendment of the law is implemented, the problem of enforcement and protection of rights will persist. Methods of enforcement may be written into amending legislation but the addition of criminal penalties to an already dispute fraught intra- family situation is often more a hindrance in attaining a resolution"than a help.
Other Identifiers: Stewart, J.E. (1983) The Widows Lot — a Remedy?: The Application of Spoilation Orders in Customary Succession, ZLRev. vol. 1 & 2. (pp. 72-84) UZ, Mt. Pleasant, Harare: Faculty of Law.
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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