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Title: The Evolution Of Agricultural Pricing' Policies in Zimbabwe: 1970's And 1980's
Keywords: Agriculture
Development Policy
Issue Date: May-1989
Publisher: Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension ( AEE) ; University of Zimbabwe
Abstract: The object of this paper is to discuss the development of agricultural pricing policies in Zimbabwe during the 1970’s and 1980’s and to make special note of changes in policy formulation since independence in 1980. In approaching the topic the paper first gives an outline of the formal marketing system for controlled agricultural commodities as it existed in 1970, and discusses the procedures and methods of price determination and the institutions involved. A brief description of state intervention in agriculture and the main events that have influenced the direction of agricultural development prior to 1970 follows. Finally the paper assesses the various policy objectives which have affected price levels, and the impact of price levels on marketed output of' state controlled commodities during the 1970’s and 1980’s. Influences that are extraneous to pricing which have affected agricultural production over the period are also examined in-so-far as they either enhanced or negated the price policy objectives for individual commodities.
Other Identifiers: Wright, Neil & Takavarasha, Tobias. (1989) The Evolution Of Agricultural Pricing' Policies in Zimbabwe :1970's and 1980's, AEE Working Paper No. 4. Harare, Mt. Pleasant: AEE
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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