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Title: Marginal Protein Malnutrition In Some Rhodesian African School Children
Keywords: Children and Youth
Issue Date: Jun-1972
Publisher: Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia.).
Abstract: Children living on a poor diet and showing no clinical signs of protein deficiency may nevertheless have an imbalance of certain amino acids in their plasma (Whitehead, 1964; Whitehead and Dean, 1964). A small pilot survey has been undertaken in which the relative concentrations of these amino acids have been investigated in serum samples taken from children at schools either near Salisbury or in a rather remote country area, in order to obtain some idea of their nutritional status.
Other Identifiers: Norden, Daphne A & Chaibva, N. (1972) Marginal Protein Malnutrition in some Rhodesian African School Children. Assessment From Plasma Amino Acid Imbalance, CAJM vol. 18,no.6. Harare (formerly Salisbury), Avondale: CAJM
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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