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Title: The Effect Of Natural Alkaline Waters Upon The Ova And Miracidia Of Schistosoma Haematobium
Keywords: Health
Issue Date: Sep-1972
Publisher: Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia)
Abstract: Although schistosomiasis is widespread in the plain surrounding Lake Chilwa, Malawi, repeated attempts to locate infected carrier snails in the lake itself have so far failed. There is a high degree of contact between the marginal human population and the lake and Bulinus globosus, one of the schistosome-carrying snails is abundant. Areas of heavy human infection are often associated with freshwater swamps and streams which run into the lake, and the most extensive of these occurs around the Domasi stream.
Other Identifiers: Morgan, Peter R. (1972) The Effect Of Natural Alkaline Waters Upon The Ova And Miracidia Of Schistosoma Haematobium, CAJM vol.18, no.9. Harare (formerly Salisbury), Avondale: CAJM
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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