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Title: Bronchoscopic Extraction Of Aspirated Foreign Bodies In Children In Harare Central Hospital, Harare, Zimbabwe
Keywords: Children and Youth
Issue Date: Jul-1994
Publisher: Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe
Abstract: Aspiration of foreign bodies results in the death of more than 500 children per year in the United States. Foreign body aspiration may be manifested by acute respiratory distress as well as insidious chronic pulmonary problems leading to diagnostic delay in some patients.2,3 This study describes the experience with 58 cases of foreign body aspiration in infants and children managed at Harare Central Hospital, Cardio-thoracic Unit in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Other Identifiers: Ahmed, A. A (1994) Bronchoscopic Extraction Of Aspirated Foreign Bodies In children In Harare Central Hospital, Harare, Zimbabwe, CAJM vol. 40, no.7. Harare, Avondale: CAJM
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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