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Title: A Study of Snake Bites Admitted to a Hospital in Rhodesia
Keywords: Health
Issue Date: Jul-1972
Publisher: Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia)
Abstract: The relative abundance of snake species varies geographically. The commonest venomous snakes in Salisbury are probably the Rhombic Nightadder (Causus rhombeatus) (Fig. 1), Egyptian Cobra (Naja Haje) (Fig. 4) and Boomslang (Dispholi- dus typus). In the majority of cases identification of the type of venous bite cannot be obtained as the patient fails to bring the snake to hospital. The purpose of this paper will be to review the main features noted in a retrospective series of 186 cases of snake bite seen at Harare Hospital, Salisbury, between January, 1967, and December, 1971, and to provide a brief account of the main features of the common snakes seen in the Salisbury area.
Other Identifiers: Wapnick, S., Levin, L. & Broadley, D. G. (1972) A Study Of Snake Bites Admitted To A Hospital in Rhodesia, CAJM vol. 18, no.7. Harare (formerly Salisbury), Avondale: CAJM
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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