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Title: Agricultural Marketing And Price Policy In Malawi
Keywords: Agriculture
Development Policy
Issue Date: 1982
Publisher: Department of Land Management (DLM) ; University of Zimbabwe (UZ)
Abstract: Malawi has one of the highest population densities 'in Africa - 67 persons per sq-. km or only 0.9 ha. per capita of arable land, (l980) including national, parks and forest reserves. Malawi has no mineral resources and at the time of independence the country, generated insufficient revenue to support itself without British budgetary aid (45% of current, expenditure). It had a per capita monetary income of K22.00 per person (K43 per-person, including estimated subsistence production, which accounted for almost half of total GDP. The infrastructure was very poorly developed and concentrated in the southern region.
Other Identifiers: Muir, Kay. (1982) Agricultural Marketing And Price Policy In Malawi, DLM Working Paper No. 5. Harare, Mt. Pleasant: DLM
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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