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Title: Organisation And Management Of Small-Holder Irrigation In Zimbabwe: An Overview
Keywords: Agriculture
Economic Development
Rural Development
Issue Date: 1984
Publisher: Department of Land Management (DLM) ; University of Zimbavbwe (UZ)
Abstract: This paper discusses the organisation, and management of small-holder irrigation in Zimbabwe. Government and parastatal organisations involved are discussed and so are the national goals of small-holder irrigation development. Management is examined at irrigation scheme level to show the role of farmer/organisations. A brief historical backkground on small-holder irrigation development is provided; land tenure and water rights are discussed. The government heavily subsidizes small-holder schemes and the issue of cost discussed.
Other Identifiers: Rukuni, Mandivamba (1984)Organisation And Management Of Small-Holder Irrigation In Zimbabwe: An Overview, DLM Working Paper No.2. Harare, Mt. Pleasant: DLM.
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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