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Title: Hydrology In Zimbabwe —The Past And The Future
Keywords: Rural Development
Issue Date: Dec-1986
Publisher: Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ)
Abstract: With the advent of independence in Zimbabwe, the accent on water resource development has changed. The new Government's major thrust turned to the-rural areas and thus rural water supply development gained in importance. It is in this sector that outside foreign donor aid has played a major and significant role. While this paper describes the history of hydrology in Zimbabwe, it is of course difficult to divorce this from water resources development generally and indeed the author has not attempted to do this. .
Other Identifiers: Wurzel, P. (1986) Hydrology In Zimbabwe —The Past And The Future, GAZ Proceedings No. 17. Harare, Mt. Pleasant: GAZ.
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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