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Title: A Survey of Deaths in Rhodesia Caused by Animals
Keywords: Population
Security and Conflict
Social Protection
Issue Date: Aug-1971
Publisher: Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia.).
Abstract: It is of interest that in Rhodesia deaths caused by animals are far fewer than those caused by man himself. Besides murders and traffic accidents, there are ten times as many deaths amongst Africans due to suicide (Castle and Rittey, in publication), as there are from all the animal species added together and reported here.
Other Identifiers: Castle, W. M (1971) A Survey of Deaths in Rhodesia Caused by Animals, CAJM vol.17, no.8. Harare (formerly Salisbury), Avondale: CAJM.
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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