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Title: Use of antimalarial drugs in Zimbabwe
Keywords: Health
Issue Date: Jun-2001
Publisher: Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe
Abstract: Malaria is a world-wide problem which is estimated to contribute to 2.3% of global disease and is an increasing problem, particularly in developing countries. In Zimbabwe, the development of widespread resistance to antimalarial drugs has been prevented through a comprehensive national malaria strategy including the development and enforcement of national guidelines for the prophylaxis and treatment of malaria. However, in recent years numerous anecdotal accounts have circulated in the private sector of failure of malaria chemoprophylaxis and treatment. This study set out to explore the use of antimalarial drug products amongst doctors and pharmacists so as to identify potential problems requiring further investigation.
Other Identifiers: Ball, D. and Jeffery, M. (2001) Use of antimalarial drugs in Zimbabwe, CAJM Vol.47, No.6. Harare, Avondale: CAJM.
Appears in Collections:Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs

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