Institute of Development Studies, IDS UK OpenDocs : [54] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 54 of 54
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1991The iron and steel industry in Zimbabwe and regional cooperation in the SADCC context-
1991Agricultural collective cooperation: a case study of the socio-economic viability of the Makoni District Union of Cooperatives, Part 1, The socio-economic features of the collectives-
1990Promoting women's health through functional literacy and intersectoral action: a study of vulnerable communities in Chivi District, Zimbabwe-
1991Agricultural collective cooperativisation: a case study of the socio-economic viability of the Makoni District Union Occzim collectives, Part II, MDU management and overall recommendations-
1991Child labour in hazardous employment: the case of Zimbabwe-
1990People's participation project in Rushinga District, Mashonaland Central: a mid-term evaluation report-
1990The economic evaluation of the Swedish Commodity Import Support Programme (CIP), 1987-
1990-10The protection of security of employment: the Zimbabwe experience-
1988-11Structural adjustment in Zimbabwe: its impact on women-
1987-06An evaluation of agricultural extension services support to women farmers in Zimbabwe, with special reference to Makonde district-
1988-03Feasibility study for the MDU central warehouse and its market potential at the Chinyudze service centre, 1987-
1988-03Transport and farm machinery study for Makoni District Union of Collective Co-operatives-
1988-09Zimbabwe charcoal utilization and marketing study-
1987-12Industrial development in Zimbabwe: the case of women in manufacturing activities : a ZIDS consultancy report for the Ministry of Community Development and Women's Affairs-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 54 of 54