Institute of Development Studies, IDS UK OpenDocs : [54] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 54
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1990The social sciences, policy research and development in Zimbabwe-
1990South Africa's destabilisation policy: the Zimbabwe experience-
1989Issues and prospects for coal utilization in Zimbabwe's rural households-
1990Agricultural employment expansion: smallholder land and labour capacity growth-
1990Co-operatives and contract mining in the Zimbabwean chrome mining industry: the paradox of industrial democracy-
1992A review of the class and gender basis of agricultural extension services in Zimbabwe's communal areas-
1992The political economy of Zimbabwe: focus on the creation of a proletariat : implications for the labour movement-
1992The social impact and responses to the economic crisis in Africa: a case for Zimbabwe-
1991Zimbabwe's agrarian reform process: lessons or domino strategies?-
1990Vertical branch planning and horizontal territorial planning: a review of the approach, problems and the distribution of the productive forces-
1991Imperialism, apartheid and the white minority in South Africa-
1991The Lancaster House Agreement and the post - independence state in Zimbabwe-
1991Workers' participation, collective bargaining and tripartism in the formulation of employment policies in Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe: an introduction to comparative labour relations-
1990The main contradictions and obstacles confronting the Five - Year National Development Plan-
1989Communication policies in the African context: towards an operational and conceptual framework-
1985-05Labour legislation in Zimbabwe: historical and contemporary perspectives-
1994-06Coordinated African Programme of Technical Assistance on Services (CAPAS): a study on services in Zimbabwe-
1989-05Ownership structure of the manufacturing sector-
1989Ownership structure of the manufacturing entrerprises in Zimbabwe: brief documentation of data computerization-
1991The position of women in employment with specific reference to the public service: some comments on the opinions of the Ministry of Community and Cooperative Development and Women's Affairs-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 54