Institute of Development Studies, IDS UK OpenDocs : [54] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 54
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1986The working conditions of female workers in the food processing industry in Zimbabwe (with special reference to canneries)-
1985The socio-economic status and needs of ex-combatants: the case of Masvingo Province-
1986An evaluation of the structures, goals and planning procedures and practices of the organisation of collective co-operatives in Zimbabwe-
1986Socio-economic baseline study, Rushinga District, (Mashonaland Central Province): consultancy report prepared for Food & Agriculture Organisation (UN)-
1985The political economy of hunger in Zimbabwe-
1991Beyond the house of hunger: the struggle for democratic development in Zimbabwe-
1991Price control as a means of consumer protection in Zimbabwe: a review of the price formation system-
1991Price control as a means of consumer protection in Zimbabwe: a review of the price formation system-
1991Issues for agricultural employment development in Zimbabwe-
1991Issues for agricultural employment development in Zimbabwe-
1991Current marketing, supply and demand of agricultural seeds in Zimbabwe-
1990Use of emerging technologies in the commercial forestry industry: case studies for Botswana and Zimbabwe-
1987Foreign exchange auctioning as a measure of economic liberalisation for adjustment in Zambia: problems and prospects for African economies-
1988Problems of research in a post - colonial state: the case of Zimbabwe-
1987The social (soft) science of social administration and the 'population' factor in African development studies-
1991Crisis in education and culture and its social reflection on women: a case study of Zimbabwe, 1980 - 1988-
1986Vulnerable working households in Zimbabwe's segmented labour markets-
1985The root causes of hunger in Zimbabwe: an overview of the nature, causes and effects of hunger, and strategies to combat hunger-
1985Rethinking Parliament's role in Zimbabwean society-
1985The informal sector in the labour reserve economies of Southern Africa with special reference to Zimbabwe-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 54