Browsing by Author Makochekanwa, Albert

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-01Analysis of the impact of dollarisation on Zimbabwe’s international trade flowsMakochekanwa, Albert; Chimombe, Shaw
2013-06An analysis of tourism contribution to economic growth in SADC countriesMakochekanwa, Albert
2012-04Assessing Botswana’s textiles export trade potential using the gravity modelMakochekanwa, Albert; Jordaan, Andre C.; Kemegue, Francis M.
2016-12Assessing potential economic costs and benefits from a Zimbabwe-China Free Trade AgreementHazvina, Fanuel; Makochekanwa, Albert; Mumvuma, Takawira;
2011-11Botswana's revealed comparative advantageMakochekanwa, Albert
2016-01Does grease money from police roadblocks speed up the wheels of the commuter omnibus? The case of kombis into and out of HarareMakochekanwa, Albert
2010-03Dwindling access to basic services in ZimbabweMakochekanwa, Albert; Kwaramba, Marko
2014Examining the long run relationship between import structure and economic growth in ZimbabwePindiriri, Carren; Makochekanwa, Albert; Ndudzo, Solomon
2010-02Feasibility and Rationale for Establishing a Debt Management Office in ZimbabweMakochekanwa, Albert; Chigumira, Gibson; Nyamadzawo, Jecob
2014-03Financial liberalisation and crisis: Experience and lessons for ZimbabweChigumira, Gibson; Makochekanwa, Albert
2008-04The impact of a budget deficit on inflation in ZimbabweMakochekanwa, Albert
2017-01The impact of dollarisation on the gold mining sector of ZimbabweMakochekanwa, Albert; Rusere, Simbarashe
2016-12Impact of public health expenditure on health outcomes in Zimbabwe (1980-2014)Makochekanwa, Albert; Madziwa, Cecilia;
2014Is corruption really harmful to growth? Evidence from Zimbabwean firmsMakochekanwa, Albert