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Browsing by Author Bandauko, Elmond
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2014-05-09 | Answering to the domesticability of exotic options and strategies in managing Africa’s urban landscapes for sustainability beyond 2015 | Chirisa, Innocent E.W; Kawadza, Shingai T; Bandauko, Elmond; chirisa.innocent@gmail.com |
2014-05-09 | Answering to the domesticability of exotic options and strategies in managing Africa’s urban landscapes for sustainability beyond 2015 | Chirisa, Innocent E.W; Kawadza, Shingai T; Bandauko, Elmond; chirisa.innocent@gmail.com |
2016-02 | Decentralized domestic wastewater systems in developing countries: The case study of Harare (Zimbabwe) | Chirisa, Innocent; Bandauko, Elmond; Matamanda, Abraham; Mandisvika, Gladys; chirisa.innocent@gmail.com |
2017-01 | Development and management of infrastructure and human settlements in the era of dollarisation in Zimbabwe: Why accountability to citizens and policy consistency matter | Chirisa, Innocent; Bandauko, Elmond; Mandisvika, Gladys; Matamanda, Abraham |
2015-08-07 | Distributive politics at play in Harare, Zimbabwe: case for housing cooperatives | Chirisa, Innocent; Bandauko, Elmond; Mutsindikwa, Nyasha Takawira; chirisa.innocent@gmail.com |
2015-08-07 | Distributive politics at play in Harare, Zimbabwe: Case for housing cooperatives | Chirisa, Innocent; Bandauko, Elmond; Mutsindikwa, Nyasha Takawaira; chirisa.innocent@gmail.com |
2014-12 | Housing cooperatives and the politics of local organization and representation in peri-urban Harare, Zimbabwe | Chirisa, Innocent; Gaza, Marilyn; Bandauko, Elmond; chirisa.innocent@gmail.com |