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Title: Development and management of infrastructure and human settlements in the era of dollarisation in Zimbabwe: Why accountability to citizens and policy consistency matter
Authors: Chirisa, Innocent
Bandauko, Elmond
Mandisvika, Gladys
Matamanda, Abraham
Keywords: Dollarisation
Policy consistency
Issue Date: Jan-2017
Publisher: University of Zimbabwe Publications
Citation: Chirisa, I., Bandauko, E., Mandisvika, G., and Matamanda, A. (2017). Development and management of infrastructure and human settlements in the era of dollarisation in Zimbabwe: Why accountability to citizens and policy consistency matter. In A. Makochekanwa & C. Manyeruke (Eds.), The impact of dollarisation on Zimbabwe (pp.134-154). Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications.
ISBN: 978-1-77920-127-0
Appears in Collections:Economics Staff Publications

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