University of Zimbabwe Institutional Repository: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 3918
The impact of a geographic information system on organisational performance: The case of Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC)
(2021-05)The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of a Geographic Information System on organisational performance of ZETDC. It was guided by four objectives which sought to determine the impact of GIS on ZETDC’s asset ... -
Strategies which ZERA can adopt in crafting the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) regulatory framework for service quality and sustainable growth in the LPG industry in Zimbabwe
(2021-05)World over Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is fast becoming a dominant energy source over other traditional fuels such as charcoal, firewood, animal waste, among others. This is due to its favourable properties such as ... -
An insight into the strategies used by the Ministry of Health to remunerate and retain doctors and nurses in public hospitals under the current austerity measures in Zimbabwe.
(2020)Universal health coverage depends on having the necessary human resources to deliver health care services. It is among the reasons African countries currently experiencing a crisis in the area of Human Resources for ... -
The implications of corporate culture on organisational performance in Zimbabwe: A case of First Capital Bank.
(2020)The main objective of this study was to determine the implications of corporate culture on organisational performance at First Capital Bank in Zimbabwe. The study also aimed at determining corporate culture of First Capital ... -
Fostering competitiveness through cost minimisation strategies: Evidence from indigenous paint manufacturers in Zimbabwe
(Not published, 2020)In this study, the researcher aimed at fostering competitiveness through cost minimization strategies evidenced by indigenous paint companies in Zimbabwe. To address this, the researcher determined the impact of these ... -
The utility of the universal periodic review in the implementation of the right to peaceful assembly and association in Zimbabwe: case of third cycle review
(2022)This study assesses the utility, impact or efficacy of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism in holding to account the Zimbabwean government in the implementation of human rights, including the right to peaceful ... -
Application of the principles of extradition in the case of terrorism: an analysis
(2022)Operational extradition procedures are an essential tool of international law enforcement in the fight against terrorism, both in relation to local criminal acts and, increasingly, on international territories. In recent ... -
A critical analysis of the applicability of corporate rescue proceedings to small and medium enterprises in Zimbabwe
(2022)This research analyses the applicability of corporate rescue proceedings to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe. SMEs are vital to the growth and development of any developing country including Zimbabwe. The ... -
Interrogating the legal regime for free, prior and informed consent and community rights in the context of mining activities in Zimbabwe
(2022)Th concept of free, prior and informed consent has gained traction globally, particularly in states where development has clashed with communities. This research has interrogated the nature and scope of this concept, and ... -
Exploring mechanisms of strengthening non-judicial electoral dispute resolution in Zimbabwe
(University of Zimbabwe, 2022)Electoral Act [chapter 2:13] establishes judicial and non-judicial electoral dispute resolution mechanisms. In view of this development, this study examines the nonjudicial mechanisms of resolving electoral disputes. The ... -
The impact of foreign direct investment on domestic investment in Zimbabwe
(2021-05)The primary purpose of the study was to empirically examine the impact of Foreign Direct Investment on domestic investment. p, the study investigated on whether foreign direct investment crowds in or crowds out domestic ... -
An assessment of the operational challenges faced by small business start-ups in Zimbabwe: a survey of hardware equipment dealers
(2021-05)Operational challenges are problems that affect profitability and inhibit the smooth running of business operations in hardware equipment dealing. The problem was that the business start- ups had a financial problem, ... -
Funding strategies for sustainable growth of standalone Credit- Only Microfinance Institutions in Harare, Zimbabwe
(2021-05)The study focussed on the investigation of the funding strategies for promoting the sustainable growth of Standalone Credit-only Microfinance Institutions (SCOMFIs) in Harare. SCOMFIs are not owned by big institutions ... -
Digital financial services and risk management in Zimbabwe: a case of the microfinance industry.
(2021-05)The main objective of the study was to establish the nature and types of risks that are faced by microfinance service providers using Digital Financial Services (DFS) as well as to analyse how different types of microfinance ... -
An investigation into the impact of digital banking platforms on bank performance in the Zimbabwean banking industry
(2021-06)The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of digital banking platforms; POS banking, mobile banking, internet banking and app banking, on bank performance in Zimbabwe. The study used a positivist paradigm, ... -
The impact of digitalization on business performance in Zimbabwean telecommunication companies: case of Econet Wireless Zimbabwe
(2021-05)The study was carried out to assess the impact of digitalization on business performance in Zimbabwean telecommunication companies. The study was limited to Econet Wireless Zimbabwe. The objectives of the study were to ... -
An evaluation of the state of service delivery in local authorities: a case of Mbare district (2018 to 2021).
(2021-05)The study focused on the state of service delivery by local authorities focusing on Harare City Council, the literature reviewed was centred on delivery by local authorities. Living conditions of Mbare District residents ... -
Effectiveness of recruitment and selection practices on employee retention in the 4th industrial revolution: A case of Bindura nickel mine
(2021-05)The research was triggered by the upheaval of usage of technology human resources management practices of recruitment and selection in the 4th industrial revolution. The study aimed at unveiling how technological advancement ...