Faculty of Science ETDs: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 257
On the analysis of risk premiums in power markets using the Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard model with leverage
(2017)This thesis is devoted to the study of risk premiums in power markets using the Ornstein- Uhlenbeck process with Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard stochastic volatility with leverage. Forwards were priced using a class of ... -
Effects of nitrogen fertilization and precipitation decline on tree-grass interactions in Southern African Savannas
(University of Zimbabwe, 2018-10)Savannas are heterogeneous ecosystems comprising of a co-dominance of herbaceous and woody species and these ecosystems support millions of people as well as diverse mammalia species. Recent research has established that ... -
Effects of elephant densities on landscape heterogeneity in relation to surface water availability: A GIS and remote sensing-based approach
(2019-10)Predictions have been made on the effect of increased elephant (Loxodonta africana) densities on landscape heterogeneity change as a result of artificial waterholes in semi-arid savanna landscapes of southern Africa. ... -
Isolation and characterization of extracts from wild edible and non-edible mushrooms in Zimbabwe
(2019-10)Poor nutrition and an increasing emergence of infectious diseases, particularly in developing countries, represent major threats to human health. Mushrooms are known to possess numerous bioactivities such as antioxidant ... -
GIS and remote sensing applications for modelling the distribution of elephants and their interaction with vegetation
(University of Zimbabwe, 2019-10)Knowledge of elephant (Loxodonta africana) interaction with vegetation is critical for conservation of the mega-herbivore and of other wildlife species found in the ecosystem. Although the impact of elephants on vegetation ... -
Distribution modelling of Leptocybe Invasa (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), and an assessment of host susceptibility and relative efficacies of systemic insecticides for gum seedling protection in Zimbabwe
(2017-11-16)Studies were conducted from February 2015 to December 2015 to predict the potential distribution of the blue gum chalcid or Eucalyptus gall wasp, Leptocybe invasa Fisher and La Salle in Zimbabwe, to screen locally available ... -
Speciation and persistence of Tetracycline Antibiotics in the Aquatic environment: Characterization in terms of a Linear Rate Modea
(2016-09)The present work aimed at studying the degradation of tetracycline antibiotics in the aquatic environment with a view of arriving at a linear rate model taking into account microbial, photolytic and hydrolytic degradation, ... -
Heavy metal air pollution study, using a Moss Bio Monitoring technique
(2017-11-16)Air pollution is increasingly becoming a problem in developed and developing countries. As a corrective measure, constant air monitoring has been done using conventional techniques which are costly and time consuming hence ... -
A study of the limnology and ecology of Mazvikadei Reservoir
(2017-11-17)An assessment of the limnology of Mazvikadei reservoir was carried out from May to October 2015. The main objective of the study was to determine whether limnology of the reservoir has changed since the filling phase. The ... -
Modelling spatial distribution of Tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Masoka area, an unexplored part of Mbire District, Zimbabwe
(2017-11-17)A study was conducted from March 2015 to December 2015 in order to model the distribution of two savannah species of tsetse (Glossina sensu stricto), Glossina morsitans morsitans and G. pallidipes in the Masoka area of the ... -
Food and foraging ecology of Limnothrissa Miodon in the Sanyati Basin, Lake Kariba
(2017-11-14)The aim of the research was to study the feeding behaviour of Limnothrissa miodon (kapenta) with reference to food items in the Sanyati Basin of Lake Kariba. Sampling was carried out from June to December 2015. Fish samples ... -
Knowledge Management System Generic models and architectures: Enhancing uniformity and interoperability of Knowledge Management Systems
(2017-10-12)Despite Knowledge Management becoming important in creating a competitive advantage for organizations, the use of technology in the area has been haphazard partly due to a scarcity of technological models and architectures. ... -
Speciation and Persistence of Tetracycline Antibiotics in the Aquatic Environment: Characterization in terms of a Linear Rate Model
(2017-10-10)The present work aimed at studying the degradation of tetracycline antibiotics in the aquatic environment with a view of arriving at a linear rate model taking into account microbial, photolytic and hydrolytic degradation, ... -
Isolation, purification and characterisation of antiproliferative phytochemicals from Dolichos kilimandscharicus (Fabaceae)
(2017-11)Plants are a source of over a quarter of the prescription drugs currently in use worldwide. Coupled with human perception that they provide a safe disease treatment regime, plant derived compounds have become the mainstay ... -
Synthesis and modification of Zeolites for the removal of heavy metals from water
(2017-11-14)Zеolitеs wеrе synthеsisеd using thе hydrothеrmal synthеsis mеthod. Thе synthеsisеd zеolitеs wеrе initially activatеd with sodium chloridе and latеr functionalisеd using barium (barium sulphatе) and coppеr (coppеr sulphatе). ... -
Knowledge management system generic models and architectures: Enhancing uniformity and interoperability of knowledge management systems
(2017-11-16)Despite Knowledge Management becoming important in creating a competitive advantage for organizations, the use of technology in the area has been haphazard partly due to a scarcity of technological models and architectures. ... -
Isolation of norgestrel in contraceptive tablets for use as an analytical standard in its quantification in the aquatic environment
(2017-11-16)Steroidal hormones, natural and synthetic, have become a global concern due to the serious effects they pose to the aquatic environment. Although these hormones are found in low dosage levels in contraceptives, it is the ... -
Agromizid Leafminer infestation of different tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum) varieties and an assessment of the effectiveness of Azadirachta indica extracts as a management technique.
(2017-11-17)The relative susceptibilities of 14 tomato varieties (“Rodade”, “Nemonetta”, “Rio Grande”, “Season Red”, “Little Wonder”, “Money Maker”, “RVF”, “Cal-J”, “RVFN”, “Star 9065”, “Floradade”, “Rodade Plus”, “Heinz 1370” and ... -
Modeling Habitat Selection for Southern White Rhino (Ceratotherium Simum Simum) in Matopos National Park
(University of Zimbabwe, 2016-06)In this study we modeled wet and dry season habitat selection of the Southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium Simum Simum) in Matopos National Park. We tested whether wet and dry season habitat selection was influenced by ... -
Modelling spatial variability of soil nitrogen using geostatistical methods and remote sensing
(2016-06)The aim of this study was to explore the use of geostatistical approaches involving remote sensing data to model and map soil nitrogen variability for use in precision agriculture. Precision agriculture is a management ...