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dc.contributor.authorJirira, Kwanele O.
dc.identifier.citationJirira, Kwanele O. (1991). The position of women in employment with specific reference to the Public Service. Some comments on the opinions of the Ministry of Community and Cooperative Development and Women's Affairs. Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies. 26p.en_ZW
dc.description.abstractThis paper is an attempt to study and analyse the position of the Ministry of Community and Cooperative Development and Women's Affairs on the following issues: Summary of Recommendations of the UN Decade for Women. Employment Policy; Women and Employment in Government and Elimination of Discrimination and Equality of Opportunities. Conditions of Work (e.g. Maternity Leave, Protection, etc.). Women and Training. International Labour Organisation Plan of Action. Women Participation.en_ZW
dc.publisherZimbabwe Institute of Development Studiesen_ZW
dc.relation.ispartofseriesConsultancy Reports;23
dc.subjectPublic Serviceen_ZW
dc.subjectCommunity and Cooperative Developmenten_ZW
dc.subjectWomen's Affairsen_ZW
dc.titleThe position of women in employment with specific reference to the Public Service. Some comments on the opinions of the Ministry of Community and Cooperative Development and Women's Affairsen_ZW
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_ZW

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