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dc.contributor.authorMoyo, Sam
dc.contributor.authorSunga, Ishmael
dc.contributor.authorMasuko, Louis
dc.contributor.authorNdoro, Herbert
dc.identifier.citationMoyo, Sam et al. (1988). Transport and Farm machinery study for Makoni District Union of Collective Co-operatives. Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies; 33 p.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study was commissioned by ZIDS, in its capacity as the main consultant to the Makoni District Collective Co-operative Union Limited as part of a Master Study ZIDS is carrying out for the MDCCU. The aims and objectives of the study are embodied in the terms of reference below. The Terms of Reference for the Transport and Farm Machinery Feasibility Study The terms of reference as given to us by ZIDS were as follows: • A brief historical development of the existing transport and farm machinery pool. • Analysis of the economic and other activities of the existing pool focusing particularly on capacity utilisation and service charges as well as the effectiveness and adequacy of such services. • Determine the key constraints facing the existing operations. • Identify other services that demancj opportunities/potentials. • Determine the appropriate levels of both short-term and long-term requirements indicating approximate truck, trailer, tractor and implements capacities (sizes). • Determine the. supportive infrastructural requirements e.g. workshop and fuel station. • Address any other relevant issues/recommendations and factors that may arise in the course of this exercise. The study will be expected to make recommendations about the findings and operational strategies for the MDU. Such recommendations should be concrete on which aspects require assistance and the nature of such assistance.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipStichting-Hivos of Hollanden_US
dc.publisherZimbabwe Institute of Development Studiesen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesConsultancy Reports;10
dc.subjecteconomic developmenten_US
dc.subjecttransport studyen_US
dc.subjectfarm machineryen_US
dc.subjectMakoni District Unionen_US
dc.titleTransport and Farm machinery study for Makoni District Union of Collective Co-operativesen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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