A Synthesis of Zimbabwean-relevant Literature from 1980 to 2000
A number of scholars (e.g. Ferreira 1997, Clegg & Birch 1998, Secretan 1999, Beer & Nohria 2000, Mbigi 2000) share great concern over the limited in-depth examination and understanding of challenges related to organisational transformation. Such an understanding is required in order to improve the odds of success of change initiatives.
As part of dealing with the concern, this article focuses on providing a synthesis of the related literature cited centring on organisational transformation.
From the literature search, there are four broad revelations:
• There is a knowledge gap in terms of the applicability of existing change theories in non-Western, emerging economies;
• The transformation theory arena has been driven by case studies;
• Change theories have tended to be prescriptive, with very little, if any, empirical testing; and
• There has been no change theory cited which is a prescription for emerging economies.
Additional Citation Information
Madzivire, Alex B. (2011) A Synthesis of Zimbabwean-relevant Literature from 1980 to 2000. MaCoTra Publications.Publisher
MaCoTra Publications
literature reviewknowledge gap
transformation theory
change theories
transformation techniques
emerging economies
Additional Notes
A derivative of author's doctoral thesis at the University of South Africa’s (UNISA) School of Business Leadership (SBL) 2001 to 2003