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dc.contributor.authorMoyana, Rosemary
dc.identifier.citationMoyana, Rosemary. (1991), ''Evidence of Students' Perfomance in Expository Passages and Non-Mathematical Documents: Data From the Pilot Version of the IEA Reading Literacy Research Study'', Zimbabwe Journal Of Educational Research, vol. 3. no. 1, pp. 1-22.en
dc.description.abstractThis alticle discusses evidence of students' performance in responding to comprehension questions on expository passages and non-mathematical documents (performance on the narrative passages and the majority of the scientific/mathematical documents has been discussed elsewhere). The data is from the pilot version of the lEA Reading Literacy Research Study which is currently being carried out by about fourty countries including Zimbabwe. Basically the results discussed here reveal that students performed better on the documents and on the expository passages which had no science content. Students were also better able to tackle questions on the literal level of understanding as opposed to those on the interpretative or evaluative levels. We conclude by raising a number of further questions whose answers will be provided by data from the main studyen
dc.format.extent2702504 bytes
dc.publisherUniversity of Zimbabwe, Human Resources Research Centreen
dc.subjectstudents' perfomanceen
dc.subjectreading literacyen
dc.titleEvidence of Students' Performance in Expository Passages and Non-Mathematical Documents: Data From the Pilot Version of the IEA Reading Literacy Research Studyen

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