A study into the role of leadership skills in the growth of small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe. The case of manufacturing sector.
Despite vast literature on the challenges being faced by SMEs in Zimbabwe and abroad, little has
been researched on the possible benefits leadership skills can offer in fighting these challenges.
Literature suggests that world over SMEs are the key drivers of economic growth. However, in
Zimbabwe the economy is actually declining with the increase in the SMEs. This could imply
that the proliferation of SMEs may not guarantee economic growth. This seems to suggest that,
the quantity of SMEs does not matter, what is important or what may lead to the overall
economic growth is the performance of the individual SMEs. This research therefore sought to
uncover leadership skills that leads to the growth of SMEs. To achieve this the researcher
undertook a qualitative research. The researcher had face to face interviews with fifteen
participants. Interviews were captured through a voice recorder and transcribed to word format.
The data was then coded and categorised. The researcher then came up with a conceptual
framework. Six skills were identified from the experiences of the participants to have a positive
effect on the growth of SMEs. The six skills are networking, empowerment, cultural intelligence,
selflessness, flexibility and commitment to a clear vision. This research therefore offers a skill
set that managers and owners of SMEs in Zimbabwe can employ to ensure the growth of their
SMEs. These skills can be acquired through self-learning and continuous self-evaluation and
Additional Citation Information
Machida, C. (2020). A study into the role of leadership skills in the growth of small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe. The case of manufacturing sector. (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Zimbabwe.Publisher
Not published