An analysis of the state of preparedness by civil protection committees in Zimbabwe: A case of the Beitbridge Civil Protection Committee’s management of the 2000 Cyclone Eline in Beitbridge.
The purpose of Civil Protection Committees is to assist protect lives of people in all corners of Zimbabwe. These committees are governed by the Civil Protection Act and are in existence in each district. The researcher‘s null hypothesis is that Beitbridge Civil Protection Committee was not well prepared for the disaster and did not manage it well. The alternative hypothesis is that Beitbridge Civil Protection Committee was well prepared for Cyclone Eline 2000 and managed it well. Questionnaires, interviews and library research were used to solicit information. A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed to individuals and 15 to organizations. Research findings indicate that very weak preparation was done prior to cyclone in 2000.It is however, worth noting that when the disaster struck the Beitbridge District Civil Protection managed it well using resources mobilized from government and donors. Strengthening of the committee should be done and disaster management plans should be cascaded to the communities.
Additional Citation Information
Ramakgapola, L. (2010). An analysis of the state of preparedness by civil protection committees in Zimbabwe: A case of the Beitbridge Civil Protection Committee’s management of the 2000 Cyclone Eline in Beitbridge. [Unpublished masters thesis]. University of Zimbabwe.Publisher
University of Zimbabwe