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dc.contributor.authorGwanzura, Karen
dc.identifier.citationGwanzura, K. (2010). The impact of the International Monetary Fund on the development of South Africa. [Unpublished masters thesis]. University of Zimbabwe.en_ZW
dc.description.abstractThis paper looks at the relationship between the (International Monetary Fund) IMF and South Africa (SA) between the 1950‟s and 1980‟s. South Africa was still under apartheid rule with racial discrimination of the black majority. The IMF did assist SA during this period despite this human rights violation on black people. The main variables that will assist in bringing out the impact of IMF on SA are unemployment, balance of payments, fiscal and monetary policy. This thesis brings out the effects of the policies on the majority of South Africans during the period in question. Information used in this paper was mainly from journals and textbooks. A brief history of the relationship with Zambia and the IMF is also included in this study. This paper shows that the IMF policies had more negative outcomes than positive outcomes on South Africa.en_ZW
dc.publisherUniversity of Zimbabween_ZW
dc.subjectInternational Monetary Funden_ZW
dc.subjectHuman rights violationen_ZW
dc.subjectFiscal and monetary policyen_ZW
dc.subjectInternational financial institutionen_ZW
dc.titleThe impact of the International Monetary Fund on the development of South Africa.en_ZW
dc.typeThesisen_ZW of Social Studies of Zimbabwe

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