An investigation into the social factors influencing adolescents who intent to join Christian life to susceptibility to HIV and AIDS: A case study of Nharira Catholic mission in Chikomba district.
The aspect of the susceptibility and spread of HIV and AIDS is the most daunting and topical issue today .The 21st century has been daunted by the pandemic and the rate at which it is spreading is increasingly high, However, a cure for the diseases has yet to be found to cope with increased rate of HIV/AIDS, most researchers have come to rely on investigations the possible factors that contributed to this pandemic and how best could be solved. This research investigated the perception that adolescents who intended to join the Christians life have on the social factors that influence their susceptibility to HIV and AIDS. The primary objective of the study was to determine social factors that susceptibility and vulnerability of adolescents to HIV and AIDS .For the purpose of this study a quantitative ,qualitative and observation methods were used to collect data from 9 respondents purposefully selected for the study .FGDs were done by 43 purposefully selected adolescents who intent ended to join the Catholic Church at Nharira Catholic Mission in Mashonaland Province in Zimbabwe ,The study sample consist of N-43 were adolescents who intended to join the Christian life at Nharira Catholic Mission and key responded from various stake holders such as Non –Governmental Organisation ,government ministries and church leaders. The results were examined in the social learning theory (Bandura 1977), the study revealed social factors such as culture, gender, peer pressure and the environment to be connected with the susceptibility to HIV AIDS .In the end the study gives recommendation to try to contain the spread of the diseases among adolescents who are the future custodian of this country
Additional Citation Information
Kanyere, D. (2012). An investigation into the social factors influencing adolescents who intent to join Christian life to susceptibility to HIV and AIDS: A case study of Nharira Catholic mission in Chikomba district. [Unpublished masters thesis]. University of Zimbabwe.Publisher
University of Zimbabwe