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dc.contributor.authorMusarurwa, C.
dc.contributor.authorNyamayaro, T.
dc.contributor.authorMujaji, W.B.
dc.contributor.authorMatarira, H.T.
dc.contributor.authorGomo, Z.A.R.
dc.identifier.citationMusarurwa, C., Nyamayaro, T., Mujaji, W. B., Matarira, H.T., & Gomo, Z. A. R. (2012).Clinical laboratory test prices in Zimbabwe: A case of profiteering? Central African Journal of Medicine, 58 (1/4), 33-38.en_US
dc.description.abstractObjective: To compare the prices charged for clinical laboratory tests in Zimbabwean institutions with those o f similar institutions abroad. Design: An online analytical cross sectional study was conducted Setting: An online survey Subjects: We did an online survey of clinical laboratories that published prices of the tests offered on their websites. We also extracted price information from documents published by fees regulatory authorities. Main Outcome Measures: Laboratory test prices for independent institutions, Laboratory test prices for State institutions. Results: Overally for all countries, laboratory test prices were lower in state laboratories compared to the independent laboratories. In Zimbabwe, state laboratories generally charged about 50% of the independent laboratory tariff for most tests. However prices from both Zimbabwean institutions were generally much higher than those of the comparison countries (United Kingdom, South Africa, India, United States of America and New Zealand). Conclusion: Prices of laboratory tests are indeed higher in Zimbabwean institutions compared to other centres abroad. These higher prices could be attributed to challenges in consumable procurement logistics. We also present measures that could be put in place to reduce the costs and therefore prices.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Zimbabwe, College of Health Sciencesen_US
dc.subjectclinical laboratoriesen_US
dc.subjectlaboratory testsen_US
dc.subjectmedical laboratory servicesen_US
dc.titleClinical laboratory test prices in Zimbabwe: A case of profiteering?en_US

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