The evolution and performance of the Zimbabwe agricultural research system - 1900 To 1980: A case study in institution building for agricultural development
The objective of this paper is to trace the historical development of agricultural research in Zimbabwe from the colonial founding of the country to 1980. Emphasis will be on identifying or highlighting the pattern of development in institution building, research policy formulation and orientation. This will be done to show the interaction between technological change, institutional reform and economic goals and policies. Such an understanding is needed to improve research resource allocation.
The paper will conclude by making an assessment of the performance and achievements of the national research system prior to 1980. This provides a basis for illustrating the task of the research system since independence and in future.
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Mudimu, G. D. (1989). The evolution and performance of the Zimbabwe agricultural research system - 1900 To 1980: A case study in institution building for agricultural development (AEE Working Paper No. 3.). Harare: University of Zimbabwe, Department of Agriculture Economics and Extension.Publisher
University of Zimbabwe, Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension
- Working Papers [68]