Iron Deficiency Anaemia In Rhodesian Africans
It has been shown that the incidence of siderosis in Rhodesian Africans is high (Gelfand, 1955; Buchanan, 1966; Buchanan, 1967). In view of this it would be expected that iron deficiency anaemia would be uncommon in these people, yet it has been said that, on the contrary, it is fairly common. The following investigation was undertaken in an attempt to clarify the position
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Buchanan, W. M. (1968) Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Rhodesian Africans, CAJM vol. 14, no.1. Harare (formerly Salisbury), Avondale: CAJM.0008-9176
Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia.)
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