Browsing Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs by Subject "Politics and Power"
Now showing items 1-20 of 55
A Comparative Study of Comrade's courts under Socialist Legal Systems and Zimbabwe's Village Courts
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe ( UZ.), 1985) -
A Survey of Constitutional Amendments in Post-independence (1980- 1999)
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1999)Zimbabwe's constitution has been amended fifteen times in the past nineteen years. Considering that the American constitution has only been amended 26 times in over 200 years, the Zimbabwean scenario is rather extra ordinary. ... -
Conquest, Colonial Education and Cultural Uprootedness in Africa — the Role of Education for Hunhu/Ubuntu in de-rooting the African in Zimbabwe
(Human Resource Research Centre (HRRC) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 2008-11)There is disagreement between colonial and post-colonial Africanist historiography over the impact ofcolonial education on the indigenes of Africa. Theformer maintain that colonial education benefited the Africans tremendously ... -
Constitutional Law And Politics In Kenya Since Independence: A Study In Class And Power In A Neo-Colonial State In Africa
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe ( UZ.), 1987) -
Constitutional reform in Zimbabwe: history and way forward
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 2009)Zimbabwe is in the middle of a decade old but climaxing unprecedented and multi-faceted economic and political crisis. The crisis is on the one hand, political, that is the autocratic rule and crisis of legitimacy of the ... -
Culture in Africa and Imperialism.
(2014-09-30) -
Decentralisation Policy in Zimbabwe: Impact on Local Government Performance
(Institute of Development Studies (Zimbabwe) (ZIDS), 1993-11)Decentralisation is the most common concept used in Zimbabwe to describe the relations between the centre and the local communities. Whether this is the most appropriate mode to capture these intricate relations is not the ... -
Economic liberalisation versus the liberation process in Southern Africa: the IMF agreement with particular reference to Zambia and Tanzania
(Department of Economics, Law, Political and Administrative Studies, University of Zimbabwe, 1987-04) -
Education, Race and Employment in Rhodesia: a Review of the Review
(Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1976-03)In his review of this book (RJE, Vol. 9, No. 4, December 1975 pp 157/ 175) Professor Irvine concludes his summary of what he considers to be both its value and its defects with the statement, “Nevertheless it should be ... -
Electoral Process in Botswana: A Synopsis
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1999)The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of Botswana's electoral process. It outlines the functional demands of elections, identifies the contentious issues in the electoral process, and where appropriate, ... -
Essay Review: Turmoil and Tenacity: The Road to the Unity Accord
(University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Publications., 1991)Turmoil and Tenacity is both an academic and political study. It could not have been otherwise given its inspiration and the occupations of its contributors. The project was inspired by the signing of the Unity Accord ... -
Externally Sourced Finance and its Impact on the Doctrine of Sovereignty and Equality of State
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1993)The Third World financial and economic crisis sprang from a number of factors. This paper will not seek to exhaustively examine the genesis of the crisis bedeviling the majority of the developing countries. Instead the ... -
Flame or Lily? Revisited: A Response and Elaboration of Rhodesian Racial Attitudes
(UZ Publications (formerly University College of Rhodesia ), 1973-12)My book Flame or Lily?' was written out of my enthusiasm for the potential insight provided by the white press into white Rhodesian culture, although I was aware that such data do not provide ‘perspectives on the society ... -
Head Teachers’ Perceptions of Power Bases: An Empirical Study about Swaziland
(Human Resource Research Centre, (HRRC), University of Zimbabwe., 1994-11)As chief executives of schools, head teachers are often called upon to make demands or issue orders to staff members. Sometimes they need to resort to power to back up their demands and orders. The degree to which teachers ... -
Interest Groups in South African Politics.
(UNIVERSITY OF ZIMBABWE Publications (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1969-01)Any survey of political behavior in South Africa, ought to begin with a consideration of the role of pressure groups or interest groups. The term “interest group" is to be preferred to "pressure group" because the latter ... -
International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights in Southern Africa: The Problem of Political Culture
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe ( UZ.), 1991) -
Is the United Nations Machinery an Effective Instrument for Peace?
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1989)It has sometimes been argued that aggression and conflicts are qualities inherent in human beings and as such conflicts will always be with men unto eternity. It is not the objectives of this paper to trace either the ... -
Judges and Lawyers in Africa Today: Their Powers, Competence and Social Role
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe ( UZ.), 1988)Judges and legal practitioners, both public and private, in independent African countries have clamored and continue to clamor, not only for societal recognition and acceptance of the hallowed ideal of “independence of the ... -
Judicial Activism and Development: Warning Signals from Zimbabwe
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe ( UZ.), 1991)In January, 1991 the Zimbabwe government was on the brink of enacting into law a fundamental amendment to the country’s constitution: the Eleventh Amendment1. This amendment would have the effect of denying the courts the ... -
Last Days of White Rhodesia
(University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Publications., 1983)The title of this essay review is that of Dennis Hills’s book on events in this country from mid-1978 to mid-1980.1 This is his second book on the subject within three years,2 and, although enjoyable, is symptomatic of the ...