Now showing items 1-19 of 19

    • A Resource Inventory of Indigenous and Traditional Foods in Zimbabwe 

      Gomez, Manel I. (University of Zimbabwe Publications, 1989)
    • Dietary Fat and Coronary Heart Disease 

      Gordon, H. (Faculty of Medicine; Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia.), 1958-10)
    • Essential Fatty Acid Content Of Dietary Fats And Fat Rich Foods Used In Rhodesia 

      Cmelik, S.H.W; Bullock, M.R.R; Ley, H.E (Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1972-08)
      Since the classical experiments by Kinsell et al. (1952) it has been generally accepted that replacement of animal fats in the diet by certain vegetable fats results in dramatic decreases in cholesterol and phospholipid ...
    • Intestinal Intolerance To Sugars In Children: A Review 

      Axton, J .H .M (Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia.), 1972-06)
      Intestinal intolerance to sugars is now well established as a cause of diarrhea and failure to thrive in children. It is assuming increased importance now that it is realized that a variety of insults to the gut can lead ...
    • Iron Overload 

      Buchanan, W. M. (Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia.), 1972-01)
      Recent investigations,' have suggested that the average amount of' usable storage iron in a normal male is about lg, values above l,5g being unusual, and above 2,2g constitute iron overload. (Weinfeld, 1970). In males about ...
    • Marginal Protein Malnutrition In Some Rhodesian African School Children 

      Norden, D.A; Chaibva, N (Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia.)., 1972-06)
      Children living on a poor diet and showing no clinical signs of protein deficiency may nevertheless have an imbalance of certain amino acids in their plasma (Whitehead, 1964; Whitehead and Dean, 1964). A small pilot survey ...
    • Microcardia In The African 

      Parker, T.; Gelfand, M. (Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1973-03)
      We have been aware for some considerable time of the existence of what 'has been called “the small or tiny” heart in our Rhodesian African adult patients admitted to Harare Hospital. It is our purpose merely to draw attention ...
    • Molecular Vital Statistics: The Significance of Shape: A Review Article 

      Jones, Jim (Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia.), 1970-10)
      The living cell depends on its enzymes1 to carry out the chemical reactions necessary for its survival. Enzymes are catalysts; they increase the speed of chemical reactions without altering the nature or result of the ...
    • Nutrition knowledge and food choice among black students in South Africa 

      Peltzer, Karl (Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe, 2002-01)
      Objectives: To investigate the relationship between nutrition knowledge and dietary behaviour, and to assess the perceived influences on food selection among Black students in South Africa. Design: Cross sectional ...
    • Nutritional Status Survey In Western Province Of Zambia 

      Nwosu, G.C (Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia.), 1973-08)
      The main purpose of the survey was to determine the magnitude, causes and distribution of malnutrition in the area of survey with the hope that the attention of policy-makers and administrators who are ultimately responsible ...
    • Nutritive Value of Foods of Zimbabwe 

      Chitsiku, Irene C. (University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Publications., 1989)
      Many countries, both developed and developing, have tables of the nutrient composition of their food. The data are used by research nutritionists to assess the nutritional value of a nation’s food supply. Home economics ...
    • Pancreatic Calcification In Rhodesian Africans 

      Wicks, A.C.B. (Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1973-09)
    • Polymorphonuclear Leucocytic Activity In Malnourished Children 

      Kendall, A.C.; Nolan, R. (Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1972-04)
      Investigations of the immune response have, until recently, thrown little light on the reasons for the increased severity of infections in malnourished children. It has been established that in these children levels of ...
    • Schooling And The Drought In Zimbabwe: The Views And Reactions Of Primary School Senior Teachers 

      Pattman, Rob; Shumba, Tamuka (Human Resources Research Centre (HRRC); University of Zimbabwe, 1993-07)
      This report presents the findings of a questionnaire survey carried out among a group of primary school senior teachers with at least 10 years teaching experience who attended an in-service course at Masvingo Teachers’ ...
    • The Baobab Tree: A Good Source of Ascorbic Acid 

      Carr, W.R. (Faculty of Medicine,Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia.), 1958-09)
      In the course of investigating the nutritional value of indigenous foods of Southern Rhodesia, the pulp of the baobab fruit (Adansonia digitata Linn.) was found to contain comparatively high concentrations of ascorbic acid ...
    • The food and nutrition situation in Zimbabwe 

      Tagwireyi, Julia (University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Publications., 2006)
      The current levels of food and nutrition insecurity in Zimbabwe condemn a large section of the population to reduced intellectual and physical capacity and ill health, resulting in limited productivity and worsening poverty. ...
    • The Green Revolution and Africa 

      Namasasu, O. (Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ), 1988-09)
      Reports of chronic food shortages, malnutrition and famines in many Developing Countries are frequent. Food production is very low, in fact so low that these countries have come to be referred as international basket cases ...
    • The Potential Demand For Game Meat in Harare's Low and Middle Density Suburbs 

      Masomera, Augustine; Muir-Leresche, Kay (Department Of Agricultural Economics and Extension (DAEE) (University of Zimbabwe) (UZ), 1998-12)
      In some African countries game meat is preferred to domestic animal meat. In Zimbabwe a significant amount of game meat is being produced but little is consumed in the main urban centres. As a result the selling of game ...
    • Tuberculin Testing In African Children 

      Mackintosh, Mary; Kendall, A.C. (Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1971-11)
      In African countries tuberculosis remains one of the major health problems. Tuberculin testing is widely used as a screening test for its detection and B.C.G. vaccination is one of the means for its control. The present ...