Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • A preliminary investigation into psychological disorders in Mozambican refugees: prevalence and clinical features 

      Reeler, A.P. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1994-11)
      Psychological disorders are common in refugee samples, with several studies showing high rates of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The present study examined the prevalence and factors associated with psychological disorders ...
    • Deviance in Rhodesian Society: the Impact of European Values on African Culture as a Cause of Crime 

      Cant, S.C.; Masina, E.L. (Faculty of Law, University of Rhodesia ( now University of Zimbabwe.) (UZ), 1973-04)
    • Housing Problems And Self-help Solutions In The Third World 

      Teedon, P.L. (Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ), 1984-09)
      The first stage is to define what 'is meant by the term 'housing problem’. The 'problem’ is that of the groups living in urban areas who are commonly identified as the urban poor. Hence, the stress will be laid upon the ...
    • Labour Migration and Rural Economies 

      Mvura, O. (Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ), 1971)
      Labor migration plays a role in rural economies. It contributes to the redefinition of economic situations, attitudes, values and goals and provides new economic behavioral patterns. But in the application of the concept ...
    • Mafikeng To Mmabatho: Village To Capital City 

      Cowley, J. (Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ), 1986-12)
      This article examines the growth and development of Mafikeng from the precolonial village settlement (from which the name is obtained) to the present day. During this period, the town and the inhabitants have faced a number ...
    • Maputo: Capital of Mozambique 

      Kay, George (Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ) ( formerly Geographical Association of Rhodesia (GAR).), 1983-09)
    • Migration, Local Politics and CAMPFIRE 

      Dzingirai, V. (2014-10-03)
      Over the years there has been, in Southern Africa, a steady flow of populations from the overcrowded communal areas into those marginal zones which previously were sparsely populated. Usually it is post-independent leadership ...
    • Some Structural Aspects Of The Contemporary Islamic Middle Eastern City 

      . Cowley, J.W (Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ), 1980-12)
      This paper examines selected aspects of the urban structures and processes that have evolved since the turn of the twentieth Century in some of the larger Muslim cities of the Middle East. An account of some of these urban ...
    • The Role Of The Road Motor Services In The Rural Road Transport Sector In Zimbabwe 

      Tarton, Tarton (Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ), 1991-12)
      Zimbabwe and its fellow members of SADCC have still to resolve many problems within the transport sector of their economies, and plans to meet these deficiencies have been prepared at national, regional and local levels. ...