Now showing items 1-20 of 60

    • An Assessment of Human Resources for the Development of Electric Power, Household Energy and Energy Planning in Zimbabwe. 

      Zwizwai, Ben.; Moyo, Sam (Institute of Development Studies (Zimbabwe) (ZIDS), 1991)
      This report is the result of a study undertaken to assess manpower needs and training priorities for the development of the electric power and household energy sectors and for energy planning in Zimbabwe. The study, which ...
    • An Industrialist's View of Secondary Industry 

      Bertram, N.R. (Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1969-06)
      For purposes of this paper I think I am on the safest grounds (and certainly only statistically reliable) if I regard secondary industry as synonymous with manufacturing industry in terms of the United Nations I.S.I.C. ...
    • Appropriate Technology for Development in the Third World 

      Ascough, W.J. (2014-10-08)
      From earliest times man has attempted, with the resources available to him, to satisfy his basic needs of food, shelter security and self satisfaction. From Stone Age and Iron Age, through the development of tools and ...
    • Aspects Of The Growth And Structure Of Pre-Colonial African Towns: The Case Of Kano, Northern Nigeria 

      Tapela, T.N. (Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ), 1988-03)
    • Challenges For Environmental Management In The Mining Sector 

      Gambara, C.Z.; Mazvimavi, D. (Institute of Mining Research (University of Zimbabwe), 2006-11)
      Revenue from mineral resources has contributed to the improvement of the quality of life in several countries globally. The importance of mining in the SADC region is demonstrated by the amount of minerals produced; 40% ...
    • Dispersal of Economic Activity and Industrial Development. 

      McCrystal, Laurence P. (Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1969-09)
      Ever since Lord Keynes propounded his “General Theory”, it has increasingly come to be held that man is not merely a cork on the economic ocean, being flung this way and that by blind economic forces, but that he can ...
    • Economic Growth of Japan with Special Reference to Industrial Development 

      Chikanda, Abel (Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ) (University of Zimbabwe) (UZ), 1999-09)
      Japan’s economic success has been a characteristic of the second half of the twentieth century. Its industrial revolution took 120 years whereas Britain took nearly twice that period to become a major industrial nation. ...
    • Economic Growth through Industrialisation 

      Sadie, Jan L. (Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1969-09)
      Arising from the experience of the pioneers of industrialisation, who have become the twentieth century’s highly industrialised states, high rates of longterm economic growth have come to be, not only associated with, but ...
    • Energy planning and policy 

      West, J.H. (Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1975-09)
      World sources of energy are many and varied; they include solar, wind, geothermal, wood, peat, tides, human and animal effort, biological waste and so on. However these are either too small for inclusion in national figures ...
    • Environmental Compliance Costs And Mining Project Development 

      Maponga, O. (Institute of Mining Research (University of Zimbabwe), 1995-04)
      The challenge for developing countries is how to transfer environmental awareness into policies and programmes that facilitate economic development while protecting the environment. Promoting growth, alleviating poverty, ...
    • Environmental Impact Assessment Report For The Maran6e Chiadzwa Diamond Project 

      The Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC) was mandated by Government to conduct exploration and subsequent exploitation of the diamond resource in Marange District. In compliance with the Environmental Management ...
    • Finance for Industrial Development. 

      Bruce, Noel H. (Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1969-06)
      case in some other fields of economic activity such as, for example, mining or agriculture. To a large extent this arises from the fact that in the industrial sphere it is generally possible to assess the potential results ...
    • Gold mining in Southern Rhodesia 1919/1953 

      Phimister, I.R. (Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1976-03)
    • Goverment's Industrial Policy 

      Musset, B.H. (Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1969-06)
      The basic objective in the economic field of all Governments, but particularly of Governments of developing countries such as Rhodesia, is to achieve the maximum long term, rate of growth of the real wealth of the country. ...
    • Housing Policy, Production and Consumption in Harare: a Review 

      Rakodi, Carole; Mutizwa-Mangiza, N.D. (University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Publications., 1990)
      This article analyses housing policy, production and consumption in Harare. It reviews most (hopefully all) of the recent literature on urban housing in Zimbabwe, most of which is on the low-income sector in Harare. The ...
    • Industrial Development in Rhodesia 

      Graylin, J.C. (Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1969-12)
    • Industrial Growth and the Mining Industry 

      Hedley, R. John (Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1969-06)
      No country needs much incentive to develop its natural resources to the best advantage, but the present uncertain state of the world, both economically and otherwise, lends tremendous impetus to the effort to become more ...
    • Industrial Growth and the Subsistence Economy 

      Cameron, J.D. (Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1969-09)
      It goes without saying that, in any country, advance in one sector of the national economy will benefit the nation as a whole and may well have profound effects upon other sectors, and the purpose in presenting this paper ...
    • Industrialisation and Employment in Rhodesia 

      Abramson, A.E. (Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1969-09)
      Professor Lewis of Manchester University has defined industrialisation as being broadly the application of capital and scientific techniques to economic activity. This process does not in itself at all times provide ...
    • Industrialisation and the Distributive Trade 

      Britten, M.J. (Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1969-06)
      When one talks about commerce and industry it is usually in terms of completely separate entities. Over a period of time we have come to accept that the two have almost conflicting interests, and this image is reinforced ...