Browsing Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs by Subject "Environment"
Now showing items 1-20 of 87
A Comparison Of Governance Of Some Community Based Woodland And Wetland Projects With Grazing Schemes In Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe
(Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabwe., 2001-02) -
A critique of by-law development and implementation in Chivi District, Zimbabwe
(Institute of Environmental Studies (IES) (UZ), 2001)The proper alignment of authority and responsibility within and between various levels of social organization is a fundamental governance problem. This study used a review approach to critically interrogate the political ... -
A Gender Analysis of Participation in Planning for Village Regrouping on Lake Kariba Shoreline (Zambia)
(2014-10-03)Until recently, Lake Kariba fishery like other fisheries in Zambia had been centrally managed by the government through the Department of Fisheries (DoF). Due to some problems of centralized fishery management, such as the ... -
A Preliminary Survey of Environmental Awareness in Some Secondary School Pupils in Zimbabwe
(Institute of Environmental Studies (IES) (UZ), 1997)For sustainable development to be effective there must be appropriate environmental education strategies which provide people with the necessary knowledge and attitudes and skills. This paper is based on exploratory research ... -
A Primer on Savanna Ecology.
(Institute of Environmental Studies (IES) (UZ), 2001)Savanna is one of the world's major biomes (Figure 1). It occupies 54% of southern Africa, 60% of sub-Saharan Africa and 20% of the global land surface (Scholes and Walker, 1993). Furthermore, a large proportion of the ... -
A proto-campfire initiative in Mahenye Ward, Chipinge District: development of a wildlife utilization programme in response to community needs
(Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS) ; University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1992-07)Mahenye ward lies in the lowveld at the southeastern edge of Zimbabwe/ adjacent to Gonarezhou National Park which forms the wildlife resource base of the area. Beginning in 1982, Mahenye ward's wildlife utilization project ... -
Agricultural and Environmental Nexus: A Historical Overview
(Department Of Agricultural Economics and Extension (DAEE) (University of Zimbabwe) (UZ), 1996-07) -
An Analysis Of Crop Diversification, Food Security And Adoption Of Sustainable Soil And Moisture Conservation Tillage Practices By Smallholder Farmers In Zimbabwe: A Case Study Of Kandeya Communal Land
(Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension (AEE); University of Zimbabwe, 1998-07)This paper is based on an empirical case study quantifying the relationship between soil and moisture conservation practices, food and cash crop production and farm household welfare-food security and household income. The ... -
An Economic Determination of the Optimal Price and Harvest Rates for Sustainable Commercial Indigenous Timber Management in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Mzola in Matebeleland
(Department Of Agricultural Economics and Extension (DAEE) (University of Zimbabwe) (UZ), 1999-02)A number of reports (see Judge, 1975, World Bank, 1993, Forestry Commission, 1995, Mushove, 1994) show that Commercial Indigenous Timber (CIT) appears to be exploited at an unsustainable rate. Over-exploitation and wasteful ... -
An Economic Evaluation Of Soil Conservation Measures In Zvimba And Chirau Communal Lands
(Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension (AEE); University of Zimbabwe, 1991-08)Soil erosion is an increasingly important problem in Zimbabwe. Whitlow (1988) states that 4.7% of the country or 1.8 mio hectares of land are actually eroded, the bulk (1.5 mio hectares) located in the Communal Lands. ... -
An Introduction To Physical Geography And Environmental Systems
(Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ)., 1992-03)The objectives of this paper are first, to outline the nature and development of physical geography; second, to introduce the systems concept and a scheme of classifying environmental systems; third to illustrate some of ... -
An Introduction To Physical Geography And Environmental Systems
(Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ), 1992-03)The objectives of this paper are first, to outline the nature and development of physical geography; second, to introduce the systems concept and a scheme of classifying environmental systems; third to illustrate some of ... -
An Outline On Common Property Resources
(Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ), 1983-09) -
Animal Conservation and Human Survival: A Case Study of The Tembomvura People of Chapato Ward In The Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe
(2014-09-29)This paper describes the predicament of the Tembomvura, a clan of hunter-gatherers dwelling in the Northern Zambezi valley in Zimbabwe, who find their traditional activities strongly circumscribed by the CAMPFIRE programme ... -
Applied Interdisciplinary Research And Training On Natural Resource Management: A Situation Report For Southern Africa
(Institute Of Environmental Studies (IES), 1996)This report is part of initiatives to strengthen transdisciplinary collaboration in training and research on natural resource management within southern Africa. The report is based on an assessment of capacity covering ... -
Brief Notes On The Geology And Landforms To Be Seen In The Harare - Mutare - Chiredzi - Masvingo - Harare Region
(Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ), 1987-08-31)The object of these notes is to give brief explanations of the major landforms and geological structures which may be seen from the bus during the field trip to the eastern part of Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe forms part of the ... -
Challenges For Environmental Management In The Mining Sector
(Institute of Mining Research (University of Zimbabwe), 2006-11)Revenue from mineral resources has contributed to the improvement of the quality of life in several countries globally. The importance of mining in the SADC region is demonstrated by the amount of minerals produced; 40% ... -
Commercialization and Institutional Arrangements Involving Tree Species Harvested for Bark by small-holder farmers in Zimbabwe
(Institute of Environmental Studies (IES) ; University of Zimbabwe., 2001)Non-timber forest products are increasingly being commercialized by smallholder farmers and urban-based healers and vendors. In this paper we highlight institutional arrangements surrounding the harvesting and marketing ... -
Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) In Southern Africa : A Regional Programme of Analysis and Communication.
(Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabwe., 2001-01)This report covers the proceedings of the Second Regional Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) Program in Southern Africa meeting held at the University of Western Cape during the period 16-17 October 2000. ... -
Contribution of Biological Nitrogen Fixation Towards the African Food and Environmental Challenges
(University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Publications. (Department of Soil Sciences), 1998)The Sixth International Conference of the African Association for Biological Nitrogen Fixation was held under the theme ‘Agronomic, socio-economic and environmental benefits of biological nitrogen fixing systems in Africa’. ...