Browsing Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs by Subject "Education"
Now showing items 1-20 of 301
A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes Towards and Perceptions of the Teaching Profession
(Human Resource Research Centre, (HRRC), University of Zimbabwe., 1990-07)Limitations notwithstanding, the main purpose of this article is to raise major issues related to people’s perception of and attitude towards teaching as a profession in developed and developing countries. These issues ... -
A Comparative Analysis Of Bruner’s And Ausubel’s Views On The Learning Process And Their Implications For Zimbabwe
(Human Resources Research Centre (HRRC); University of Zimbabwe, 1998-03)Bruner’s work focuses on learning through discovery. His position is that students learn best when they themselves discover the structure of a subject by inductive meftns. Ausubel believes that learning should be primarily ... -
A Comparative Analysis Of Student Achievement By School Type In Zimbabwe Secondary Schools
(Human Resource Research Centre (HRRC) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1991-03)The purpose of this study was to determine statistical differences in levels of student performance in ZJC English and Mathematics between six secondary school types in Zimbabwe. 5293 Form 2 students who wrote ZJC examinations ... -
A Comparison In Performance Between Mature Entry Students And Traditional (A-Level) Entry Students At The University Of Zimbabwe
(Human Resources Research Centre (HRRC); University of Zimbabwe, 2003-03)The degree results of Business Studies and Law students who had entered the University of Zimbabwe through ‘mature entry' between 1990 and 1999 were compared with those of students who had entered university through the ... -
A Comparison of Teachers’ and Students’ Rankings of Practical Work Objectives in ’A’ Level Chemistry.
(Human Resource Research Centre (HRRC) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 2001-07)The purpose of this investigation was to compare teachers ’ and students ’ rankings (in order of importance) of A Level Chemistry practical work objectives and also determine whether the perceptions were related to some ... -
A Curriculum for the Millennium in Zimbabwe: Lessons from the Past and Possibilities for the Future
(Department of Teacher Education (DTE) University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1997-03)According to Bruner (1960:1) ‘Each generation gives newform to the aspirations that shape education in its time. What may beemerging as a mark of our own generation is a widespread renewal of concern for the quality and ... -
A Discourse Of Text Materials In Primary Mathematics For Second Language Learners In Developing Countries: A Case Study For Zimbabwe
(Department of Teacher Education, University of Zimbabwe, 1996-10)In this article being a literature review, defines an agenda for research which will identify problems within existing mathematics text, material used by teachers and pupils in primary school in developing materials and ... -
A Geographical Sketch of Taiwan
(Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ) ( formerly Geographical Society of Rhodesia.), 1977) -
A Philosophy For Music Education In Zimbabwe
(Department of Teacher Education (DTE), University of Zimbabwe, 1994-03)This article is an articulation of the rationale employed in designing the regulations for the Bachelor of Education in Teacher Education, Practical Subjects: Music Option. The degree is on offer for the first time at the ... -
A Preliminary Survey of Environmental Awareness in Some Secondary School Pupils in Zimbabwe
(Institute of Environmental Studies (IES) (UZ), 1997)For sustainable development to be effective there must be appropriate environmental education strategies which provide people with the necessary knowledge and attitudes and skills. This paper is based on exploratory research ... -
A Preliminary Survey Of Marital Adjustment Among Zimbabwe Open University Students
(Human Resources Research Centre (HRRC); University of Zimbabwe, 2003-11)This study sought to establish the level of marital adjustment among 198 students (135 male and 63 female) of the Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) at the Manicaland and the Masvingo regional campuses. These students were ... -
A Proposed Model For Teacher Education In Zimbabwe
(Department of Teacher Education (DTE), University of Zimbabwe, 1999-11)This paper discusses how teacher education programmes in Zimbabwe might be designed to produce a cadre of teacher with the capacity to adapt to the varied and ever-changing teaching contexts of the twenty- first century. ... -
A Study on the Human Factor Issues of Lecturers and Students that Hinder the Establishment of an E-leaming Enabled Tertiary Institution in a Traditionally Face to Face Institution
(Human Resource Research Centre (HRRC) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 2006-03)Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provides various opportunities and challenges for improving and revamping the learning experiences of students and lecturers. The purpose of this article is to identify and ... -
A Survey of Bindura University of Science Education Student Teachers' Perceptions of the Mentoring Model of Teaching Practice
(Human Resource Research Centre (HRRC) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 2001-11)The study investigated student teachers 'perceptions of the mentoring model of teaching practice that they went through with a view to improving future mentoring programmemes for student teachers from this university and ... -
A Survey Of The Purpose Of Extra Classes Provided In Primary Schools Of Harare Province And Their Implications On The Quality Of Education
(Human Resources Research Centre (HRRC); University of Zimbabwe, 2012-03)The growth of extra tuition in Zimbabwe is increasingly becoming worrisome to the various stakeholders in education. Some stakeholders have become skeptical about the quality of the initial formal teaching in the schools ... -
A Village School and Community Development in a Rhodesian Tribal Trust Land.
(UNIVERSITY OF ZIMBABWE Publications (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1970-01)This article presents and analyses a case history collected from one community in a Rhodesian tribal trust land, with special reference to the village school as a factor in social change.1 In particular it deals with those ... -
A. B. S. Chigwedere’s Pre-colonial Histories of Zimbabwe and Africa
(University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Publications., 1988)QUARTER OF a century ago, in 1962, the study of the pre-colonial history of Africa as a serious academic discipline was beginning to get under way. This was a period of high hopes. Archives virtually untapped by historians ... -
Academic Women at the University of Zimbabwe: Career Prospects, Aspirations and Family Role Constraints.
(Zimbabwe Human Research Centre (HRRC); University of Zimbabwe., 1989-11)At independence in 1980 the University of Zimbabwe faced two major problems with regard to the composition of academic staff: a racial imbalance and a gender imbalance. A strong staff development programme was initiated ... -
Acess to Legal Education and the Legal Profession in Zimbabwe.
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe ( UZ.), 1987)Consistent with the.discrimination against black citizens which characterized Rhodesian settler rule, access to legal education and the legal profession was deliberately and almost totally denied to blacks until Zimbabwe’s ... -
Active Learning Approaches In Zimbabwean Science And Mathematics Classrooms
(Human Resources Research Centre (HRRC); University of Zimbabwe, 2003-11)The aim of this study was to find out whether secondary school mathematics and science teachers are using active learning strategies in their teaching. Ten teachers and nine teachers were observed teaching mathematics and ...