Browsing Social Sciences Research , IDS UK OpenDocs by Subject "Agriculture"
Now showing items 1-20 of 96
A Discriminant Analysis Of Factors Affecting Productivity And Profitability Of Smallholder Households
(Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension (AEE); University of Zimbabwe, 2000-03)In neoclassical economics institutions are considered to be givens or mere constants in agricultural production and development. There is now a new field of economics that argues that institutions are not givens in ... -
A Farm Level Evaluation Of The Impact Of IPM On Pesticide Use: A Comparative Analysis Of IPM And Non-IPM Trained Farmers In Zimbabwe’s Smallholder Sector
(Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension ( AEE) ; University of Zimbabwe, 2003-04)Smallholder farmers constitute the majority of farmers in Zimbabwe. Their production systems are predominately subsistence based, in which maize accounts for over 65% of the cultivated area. Horticultural production has ... -
A Geographical Overview Of The Soils Of Zimbabwe And Their Agricultural Potential
(Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ), 1992-03)Zimbabwe is endowed with a wide range of soils. The soils vary considerably in their age and degree of development, physical, chemical and mineralogical composition and, therefore, also in their land use potential. To a ... -
A Review Of Land Reallocation In Zimbabwe (1980-2000)
(Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension; University of Zimbabwe., 2001-04)Agriculture is the mainstay of the Zimbabwean economy and land is the key resource in agricultural production. During the colonial era in Zimbabwe, land was distributed along racial lines, approximately 4660 large scale ... -
Agricultural and Environmental Nexus: A Historical Overview
(Department Of Agricultural Economics and Extension (DAEE) (University of Zimbabwe) (UZ), 1996-07) -
Agricultural Land Use Theory And Its Application With Reference To Africa
(Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ), 1989-03)This paper is a follow-up on two earlier articles published in this journal which examined key geographical theories and their application to Zimbabwe, the first by Heath (1986) on central place theory and the second by ... -
Agricultural Marketing And Price Policy In Malawi
(Department of Land Management (DLM) ; University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1982)Malawi has one of the highest population densities 'in Africa - 67 persons per sq-. km or only 0.9 ha. per capita of arable land, (l980) including national, parks and forest reserves. Malawi has no mineral resources and ... -
Agricultural Marketing Policy in South Africa
(Rhodesian Economic Society. (RES) University of Rhodesia (UR) (now University of Zimbabwe.) (UZ.), 1972-06) -
Agricultural Production in Semi-Arid Regions: Use of Legume-Based Mixed Cropping Systems in Kenya
(University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Publications. (Department of Soil Sciences), 1998)Increasing pressure to feed an ever-expanding population has necessitated an extension of agricultural production in Kenya into marginal semi-arid regions. Crop productivity in these regions is limited not only by the ... -
Agricultural Research And Extension: Some Proposals For The Future
(Department of Land Management (DLM) ; University of Zimbavbwe (UZ), 1981-04) -
Agricultural Research Policy
(University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Publications., 2006) -
Agriculture as an Exporter
(Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1972-12)The Rhodesian economy has many different characteristics. In some sectors we can find a degree of development and sophistication that ranks with the most developed regions of the world; in others our economy has all the ... -
Agronomic and economic impact of legume inoculant use in Zambia, 1985-1992.
(University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Publications. (Department of Soil Sciences), 1998)The global economic impact of BNF technology is enormous, estimated at $85 billion annually. But donor and government policy makers do not have access to meaningful and accurate data with which to make effective decisions ... -
An Analysis Of Crop Diversification, Food Security And Adoption Of Sustainable Soil And Moisture Conservation Tillage Practices By Smallholder Farmers In Zimbabwe: A Case Study Of Kandeya Communal Land
(Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension (AEE); University of Zimbabwe, 1998-07)This paper is based on an empirical case study quantifying the relationship between soil and moisture conservation practices, food and cash crop production and farm household welfare-food security and household income. The ... -
An Application Of Control Theory To Seasonal Food Security
(Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension (AEE); University of Zimbabwe, 1990-01)The article is structured as follows: First, there will be given an introduction in the problem. Second, a formalization of the issue will be conducted using mathematical tools. Third, the model will be solved and at least ... -
An Economic Analysis of Swaziland’s Cotton Pricing and Marketing Policies for Smallholder Farmers in Marginal Rainfall Areas
(Department Of Agricultural Economics and Extension (DAEE) (University of Zimbabwe) (UZ), 2000-03)Cotton is the main source of income for rural households in the smallholder-farming sector and provides employment at rural and national level. Despite the vital role played by cotton, production has declined since 1991. ... -
An Improved Maize Marketing System For Zimbabwe
(2014-10-09) -
Animal health research and development
(University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Publications., 2006)Zimbabwe’s veterinary delivery system and research capability have been shaped by the need to prevent, control, manage and/or eradicate animal diseases.202 Although major epidemics like rinderpest, contagious bovine ... -
Beyond Statistical and Conceptual Rigour-Mortis in Research on Rural Development and Food Self-Sufficiency in Africa
(1985-07-22)The food 'crisis' affecting Africa, as yet shows no sign of abetting. The United Nations Secretary General has recently stated that it may in fact get worse this year. In a report to the U.N. Economic and Social Council, ... -
Biological Nitrogen Fixation: Sustaining African Agriculture into the Twenty-First Century?
(University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Publications. (Department of Soil Sciences), 1998)The main objective of the African Association for Biological Nitrogen Fixation (AABNF) is to promote research, training and the use of biological nitrogen fixation systems to increase food production, reduce the need for ...