Now showing items 1-10 of 1048
Strategies For Coping With Food Deficits In Rural Zimbabwe
(Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ), 1989-12)
The resourcefulness of African smallholders in the face of recurrent food deficits is often overlooked by professionals and officials concerned with food security. Food scarcity has provoked a wide range of interventions ...
Transport And Marketing Of Horticultural Crops By Communal Farmers Into Harare
(Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ), 1989-12)
A study was initiated in 1987 with the aim of establishing the major characteristics of the transport and marketing systems for horticultural crops into Harare. Emphasis was placed on identifying the constraints in the ...
The Political Organisation Of Chinese Agriculture
(Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ) ( formerly Geographical Association of Rhodesia.) (GAR)), 1977-12)
When the Community Party came to power in 1949 there were two main groups in the Chinese agricultural system. The landlords and rich peasants, who formed about 10 per cent of the population owned or controlled about 70 per ...
Model and Metaphor in Social Anthropology.
(UNIVERSITY OF ZIMBABWE Publications (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1969-01)
The intention in this paper is to review the use of model and metaphor in one social science, social anthropology; to come in this context to a better understanding of the working distinction between these terms; and finally ...
Mainstream Children’s Attitudes Towards Integration With The Disabled In Zimbabwe’s Secondary Schools
(Human Resources Research Centre (HRRC); University of Zimbabwe, 1996-03)
Five hundred pupils (250 males and 250 females) aged about 16 years and attending third form classes in regular urban and rural secondary schools throughout Zimbabwe responded to a questionnaire based on their attitudes ...
Interest Groups in South African Politics.
(UNIVERSITY OF ZIMBABWE Publications (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1969-01)
Any survey of political behavior in South Africa, ought to begin with a consideration of the role of pressure groups or interest groups. The term “interest group" is to be preferred to "pressure group" because the latter ...
Medical Aspects Of Witchcraft Practice Among The Shona People Of Rhodesia
(Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1971-11)
The implications of witchcraft beliefs on medical practice are widespread among the Shona-speaking people — indeed, as they are tin any other part of Central Africa. Once a people accept a belief in the reality of witchcraft, ...
State of Mind in the Zimbabwean Criminal Law
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe ( UZ.), 1985)
One of the most fundamental principles of our common law in criminal matters is that a person can only be found criminally liable if his conduct was accompanied by some blameworthy mental state. For a very long time in our ...
Landscape Evolution In Southern Africa And Zimbabwe: Traditional And Recent Views
(Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ), 1989-12)
The objectives of this paper are firstly, to outline traditional ideas on landscape evolution in Southern Africa; secondly, to present more recent views on landscape evolution of relevance to this part of Africa; and ...
A Village School and Community Development in a Rhodesian Tribal Trust Land.
(UNIVERSITY OF ZIMBABWE Publications (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1970-01)
This article presents and analyses a case history collected from one community in a Rhodesian tribal trust land, with special reference to the village school as a factor in social change.1 In particular it deals with those ...