Now showing items 1-10 of 465
Teaching Science through the Science Technology and Society (STS) lens in Zimbabwean High Schools: Opportunities and Constraints
(Human Resource Research Centre (HRRC), University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 2011-11)
This paper is an extract from a bigger study that investigated use of Science Technology and Society (STS) approaches in teaching General Science in eight secondary schools in Harare, Zimbabwe. Data were collected from 28 ...
The Impact of Water Shortages on Educational Delivery in Selected Schools in Harare East District
(Human Resource Research Centre (HRRC), University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 2011-11)
The goal of the study was to investigate the impact of water shortages on educational delivery in selected schools in Harare East District. The population included school heads, teachers and pupils all drawn from selected ...
Evaluation of barriers to the integration of ICT in teaching and learning of science and mathematics in Zimbabwe's secondary schools
(Human Resource Research Centre (HRRC) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 2011-11)
This article examines the perceived barriers to information and communication technology (ICT) integration in science education. A questionnaire designed to elicit teachers ’feedback was administered among 56 experienced ...
Capital structure and the financial performance of listed firms on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange
The main objective of this study was to investigate the impact of capital structure on financial performance of firms listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. Total leverage to asset ratio, short term leverage to asset ratio ...
Organisation, Quality and Challenges in the B. Ed Technical Education Degree Industrial Attachment Course, University of Zimbabwe.
(Human Resource Research Centre (HRRC) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 2011-11)
The study sought to find out how students on the Bachelor of Education (Technical) degree programme rated the oiganization and quality of the Industrial Attachment component of the programme. Challenges students faced ...
The strategic relevance of sanctions as a democratizing tool in the third world in an emerging multi-polar world: A case study of Zimbabwe
The increasing use of sanctions as a democratisation tool has elicited many questions regarding their strategic relevance and effectiveness in an emerging multi-polar world. The rise of China, India, Brazil, resurgence of ...
Management and Performance of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in the Murewa and Mutoko Districts of Zimbabwe
The standards of management achieved by eucalypt growers in Zimbabwe's rural areas affect the performance of the woodlots. Several woodlot achievement indicators - basal area growth, height growth, survival rates and ...
Animal Conservation and Human Survival: A Case Study of The Tembomvura People of Chapato Ward In The Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe
This paper describes the predicament of the Tembomvura, a clan of hunter-gatherers dwelling in the Northern Zambezi valley in Zimbabwe, who find their traditional activities strongly circumscribed by the CAMPFIRE programme ...