Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Defending and Protecting Gender Equality and the Family Under a Decidedly Undecided Constitution in Zimbabwe
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1997)
Zimbabwe is party to virtually all international human rights instruments which oblige countries to inter alia, protect and promote the family and family life for the benefit of its members; guarantee women equality with ...
Lawyers Against the Law? Judges and the Legal Profession in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1997)
This negative image of lawyers as a dishonest profession which feeds on the innocent's miseries is almost as old as the legal profession and has sometimes resulted in shortsighted, emotional and retrogressive measures ...
The Constitutional Recognition and Popular Enjoyment of Human Rights in Zimbabwe
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1987)
The Right to Information and the Regulation of Broadcasting in Zimbabwe: Towards a More Liberal Framework
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1996)
The debate over the broadcasting legal regulatory framework in Zimbabwe falls within the general discourse on freedom of expression, information and the media. Accordingly, issues relating to the reform of the laws governing ...
Muddling in the Quicksands of Tradition and Custom and Skating Down the Slippery Slopes of Modernity: the Reform of Marriage and Inheritance Laws in Zimbabwe
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1996)
In 1993 the Government of Zimbabwe published a White Paper on Marriage and Inheritance in Zimbabwe which invited debate on proposed law reforms to this area of the law. That white paper generated widespread and often heated ...
Customary Law Courts Restructured Once Again: Chiefs and Headmen Regain Their Judicial Functions
(Faculty of Law, University of Rhodesia ( now University of Zimbabwe.) (UZ), 1989)
After the attainment of independence on 18 April, 1980 the colonial judicial administration of Headmen, Chiefs and Native Commissioners which had been primarily responsible for the administration of customary law during ...
Towards the Constitutional Protection of Environmental Rights in Zimbabwe
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1996)
The increasing emphasis on environmental protection and ecological preservation, as well as Zimbabwe's crisis of development make it eminently desirable to analyse the conceptual values in which environmental law is based. ...
The Constitutional Reconstruction of Zimbabwe: Much Ado About Nothing?
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe ( UZ.), 1987)
Zimbabwe became ah independent sovereign state on 18th April, 1980under the Lancaster House Constitution which had been negotiated and agreed upon by the Patriotic Front Alliance, the British Government and the Smith-Muzorewa ...
No Fault Divorce: Changing Divorce Laws in Zimbabwe.
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe ( UZ.), 1988)
Prior to the enactment of the Matrimonial Causes Amendment Act No. 11 of 1987 there were two different sets of divorce laws in Zimbabwe, one applicable to monogamous marriages contracted under the general law and the other ...