Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Whither Medicine In The Next Five Years In Rhodesia?
(Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1972-04)
A Survey Of The Forms Of Tuberculosis Encountered At Harare Hospital, Rhodesia, 1967—1969
(Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1973-04)
It was decided to study the frequency with which tuberculosis was diagnosed in Africans admitted to the Harare Central Hospital in Salisbury, Rhodesia. We also wanted to learn how often this diagnosis was proven at the ...
The Effects Of Bilharziasis In Rhodesia
(Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia.), 1973-09)
Chronic Brucella Pyelonephritis with Calcification: Short Review of the Literature and Report of a Case
(Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University College of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe), 1957-11)
The localisation of brucellosis in the urinary tract is an infrequently reported condition. The paucity of recorded cases may be due to the rarity of the condition or to the fact that the profession as a whole is not ...
Microcardia In The African
(Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1973-03)
We have been aware for some considerable time of the existence of what 'has been called “the small or tiny” heart in our Rhodesian African adult patients admitted to Harare Hospital. It is our purpose merely to draw attention ...
Pneumoconiosis In The Chrome Mining Industry Of Rhodesia
(Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1970-03)
A Study Of Subdural Haematoma In An African Medical Ward
(Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1973-12)
Most cases of subdural haematoma in the wards are chronic in nature and its diagnosis may be difficult. A subdural haematoma can be regarded as chronic if the haematoma has a membrane around it or is operated on more than ...
The Problem Of Exact Diagnosis Of Anaemia In The African
(Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1973-09)
This study was undertaken to determine the causes of a moderately severe anaemia i.e. a haemoglobin level of 9,5 G/100 ml. (65 per cent.) or less in the cases admitted to the University Medical Unit of Harare Hospital in ...