Faculty of Business Management Sciences and Economics: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 598
An investigation into the impact of digital banking platforms on bank performance in the Zimbabwean banking industry
(2021-06)The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of digital banking platforms; POS banking, mobile banking, internet banking and app banking, on bank performance in Zimbabwe. The study used a positivist paradigm, ... -
The impact of digitalization on business performance in Zimbabwean telecommunication companies: case of Econet Wireless Zimbabwe
(2021-05)The study was carried out to assess the impact of digitalization on business performance in Zimbabwean telecommunication companies. The study was limited to Econet Wireless Zimbabwe. The objectives of the study were to ... -
An evaluation of the state of service delivery in local authorities: a case of Mbare district (2018 to 2021).
(2021-05)The study focused on the state of service delivery by local authorities focusing on Harare City Council, the literature reviewed was centred on delivery by local authorities. Living conditions of Mbare District residents ... -
Effectiveness of recruitment and selection practices on employee retention in the 4th industrial revolution: A case of Bindura nickel mine
(2021-05)The research was triggered by the upheaval of usage of technology human resources management practices of recruitment and selection in the 4th industrial revolution. The study aimed at unveiling how technological advancement ... -
Central banking in a distressed economy: Enhancing the role and responsibilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.
(2021-05)The central bank of Zimbabwe is failing to stabilize macroeconomic fundamentals such as inflation and foreign currency variables. This trigged the research study. The research objectives were mainly to evaluate the roles ... -
Women leadership influence on corporate performance in the Zimbabwe clothing retail sector: A case of Edgars stores (Pvt) Ltd Zimbabwe
(2021-05)The study examined the influence of women leadership on corporate performance by considering how women leadership has potential in influencing market share, service quality, customer satisfaction and sales volume. Women ... -
Impact of reward systems on employee satisfaction: A case of Freda Rebecca Mine in Mashonaland Central Province
(2021-05)This research on the impacts of rewards on employee satisfaction: A case of Freda Rebecca Gold Mine in Mashonaland Central Province was done to assess how reward systems impact employee satisfaction in the mining sector. ... -
Credit risk management strategies and loan delinquencies in highly innovative (digital) banks: The case of steward bank.
(2021-05)The main objective of the research study was to analyze the effectiveness of credit risk management strategies and loan delinquencies in highly innovative and digitized banks. The research used Steward bank as a case ... -
Performance inhibitors against women leaders in Zimbabwe non-governmental organizations
(2023-06)The purpose of this research was to examine the performance inhibitors against women leaders in selected Non-Governmental Organizations in the health sector in Zimbabwe. The research also looked at performance enablers ... -
The adoption of big data analytics in the medical insurance industry: Case of Premier Service Medical Investments (PSMI)
(2021-06)Big Data Analytics has a positive impact on the business performance. The purpose of the research was to identify and confirm the factors that influence the adoption of Big Data Analytics in the medical insurance Industry ... -
Influence of credit risk management on non-performing loans in the Zimbabwean commercial banks
(2020-03)The study analysed the influence of credit risk management on non-performing loans within commercial banks in Zimbabwe. The rate of increase in non- performing loans in commercial banks motivated the researcher to undertake ... -
An assessment of the impact of financial inclusion on the business performance of SMEs in the Harare Metropolitan
(2019-12)SMEs are an essential engine to the development of the economy of the country. The leaders of economies across the globe have put in place strategies to ensure that the marginalised are financially included. The government ... -
An analysis of the factors affecting successful adoption of business intelligence in the beverage manufacturing industry in Zimbabwe: Case of Delta beverages
(2021-05)Business Intelligence (BI) and the many analytics systems that support demand management, predictive analytics, revenue modelling and role-based intelligence within organizations are critical for any organization to ... -
A study into blended finance and integrated water resource management sustainability in Zimbabwe: The case of save catchment area
(Not published, 2020)The main objective of the study was to explore the relationship between blended finance and IWRM sustainability in the water sector in Zimbabwe. Blended finance characteristics investigated in this study were financial ... -
The impact of digital transformation on strategic agility through the medium of dynamic capabilities: A case of micro, small and medium enterprises in Mashonaland Central Province, Zimbabwe
(Not published, 2020)The importance of digital transformation as an enabler of strategic agility has garnered both advocates and detractors in academia and business around the world; some studies argue that digital transformation is the ... -
Strengthening financial inclusion through digital banking in the wake of COVID 19 pandemic in Zimbabwe
(2021-05)Despite notable progress made by Zimbabwe‟s financial sector to increase financial inclusion for the poor and low-income population in the country, many people remain financially excluded. This research investigates the ... -
The relationship between gender diversity and selected telecommunication organizations performance in Zimbabwe
(Not published, 2020)The study sought to establish the relationship between women`s and performance of an organisation by examining the effects of gender disparity on organizational performance taking a case of selected Telecommunications ... -
A Critical Assessment of the Impact of digital transformation on enhanced corporate performance: A case of Telone Pvt Ltd
(2021-05)The research examined the impact of digital transformation on enhanced corporate performance at TelOne Pvt. TeOne Pvt Ltd has been experiencing unprecedented stiff competition and a shrinking market base for the past ... -
The analysis of financial inclusion and its impact on the sources of finance for entrepreneurs: a case of small and medium entreprises (SMEs) in Harare, Zimbabwe
(2021)The importance of Small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs), especially in developing countries, cannot be overlooked. Towards economic development, all-inclusive financial access or financial inclusion and financing of these ... -
An analysis on the impact of the adoption of Islamic financial products in reducing non-performing loans in Harare's commercial banks
(2020-09)Non-performing loans (NPLs) are a cause of concern nationally and globally as it affects the normal functioning of the economy as financial sector stability drives economic growth. This is not easy to achieve as financial ...