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dc.contributor.authorMadzivire, Alex B.
dc.identifier.citationMadzivire, A.B. (2010). A Synthesis of Challenges and Themes From Four Zimbabwean Companies. Macotraen_ZW
dc.descriptionA derivative of author's doctoral thesis at the University of South Africa’s (UNISA) School of Business Leadership (SBL) 2001 to 2003en_ZW
dc.description.abstractIn the study, a longitudinal multiple case design was used to capture the experiences (in transformation) of four Zimbabwean companies spanning from 1980 when Zimbabwe attained its independence to 2000. This article illustrates how to perform a cross-case analysis to gain deeper appreciation of the challenges faced by the four companies and emerging transformation themes. The outcomes are: • a condensation of nine emerging themes into seven, and • the establishment of links between the sixteen emerging challenges unearthed and the synthesised seven themes. The seven themes have been used to develop the Madzivire Collaborative Transformation (MaCoTra) Model, a subject of a separate article. I recommend replication studies on organisational transformation in emerging economies to check the recurrence of the seven themes and sixteen challenges.en_ZW
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMaCoTra Singing ORGANISATIONS THAT TRANSFORM;
dc.subjectchange managementen_ZW
dc.titleA Synthesis of Challenges and Themes From Four Zimbabwean Companiesen_ZW

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