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dc.contributor.authorMakoni, B.M.
dc.identifier.citationMakoni, B.M. (1990). Promoting women's health through functional literacy and intersectoral action: A study of vulnerable communities in Chivi District, Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies. 25p.en_ZW
dc.description.abstractThis chapter gives the background to the study. It has four sections. The first section, an overview of the health situation in Zimbabwe, is an outline of Government and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) efforts to promote better health. The second section is a rationale for the project Promoting Health Through Women's Functional Literacy. This section also provides the theoretical framework of the study and gives a guideline for identification of the target population. Then follows a section on researchquestions. Finally, there is a statement on Chivi District and its vulnerable socio-economic position.en_ZW
dc.publisherZimbabwe Institute of Development Studiesen_ZW
dc.relation.ispartofseriesConsultancy Reports;20
dc.subjectwomen healthen_ZW
dc.subjectfunctional literacyen_ZW
dc.subjectvulnerable communitiesen_ZW
dc.subjectChivi Districten_ZW
dc.titlePromoting women's health through functional literacy and intersectoral action: A study of vulnerable communities in Chivi District, Zimbabwe.en_ZW
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_ZW

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