Now showing items 1-10 of 17
A Village School and Community Development in a Rhodesian Tribal Trust Land.
(UNIVERSITY OF ZIMBABWE Publications (formerly University College of Rhodesia), 1970-01)
This article presents and analyses a case history collected from one community in a Rhodesian tribal trust land, with special reference to the village school as a factor in social change.1 In particular it deals with those ...
The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas and the Rand
(Rhodesian Economic Society. (RES) University of Rhodesia (UR) (now University of Zimbabwe.) (UZ.), 1972-06)
At the present moment, the Rand Currency area (composed of Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and South Africa) is under serious review by its members. The fact that the present arrangements are being re-examined suggests that ...
Settler Ideology and African Underdevelopment in Postwar Rhodesia
(Rhodesian Economic Society. (RES) University of Rhodesia (UR) (now University of Zimbabwe.) (UZ.), 1974-03)
A largely ignored aspect of underdevelopment in Rhodesia, which plays a crucial role in legitimating the dominance, policies and status of the ruling group in the economic structure, is the conception, construction and ...
Ancient mining and Zimbabwe
Ancient gold mining and Zimbabwe have been commonly associated for over a hundred years, either in terms of an exotic colony for gold export or as an African state based on the East Coast trade. The stratigraphy and ...
Urban Primacy And Regional Economic Development In The Third World
(Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ) (formerly Geographical Society of Rhodesia.), 1977-12)
Many developing countries are now being persuaded that an appropriate urbanization strategy could provide them with one of the means of achieving the modernization of their societies (Mabogunje 1973). Unfortunately the ...
Majority Rule and Economic Development Strategy
(Rhodesian Economic Society. University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1979-06)
Rhodesia will take the step to majority rule, as Zimbabwe, just over 30 years after the post-World War II rush to independence started, and just over 20 years after that phenomenon hit sub-Saharan Africa.
The attainment ...
Economic Development for an Exploding Population
(Rhodesian Economic Society. University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1979-06)
I could use this occasion to come up with lots of facts and figures on population explosion and economic development. Alternatively, I could expand on the nature and use of mathematical computer models of population or ...
Education for Participation
(Rhodesian Economic Society. University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1975-03)
The title that has been chosen for this Symposium, “African Participation in the Rhodesian economy”, is certainly topical. All of us are well aware, of course, that Africans do, in fact, play a major part in our economic ...
The Land Question in Zimbabwe
(Rhodesian Economic Society. University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1979-09)
The question of the redistribution of land in Zimbabwe has been receiving increasing attention during the last few years, but many of the suggestions made in this connection do not provide a satisfactory solution to a state ...
Making Optimum Use of the Limited Agricultural Resources of the Tribal Areas of S.W. Matabeleland
(Rhodesian Economic Society. University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1979-09)
The title of this paper requires that it should at least:-
a) Define the area under consideration.
b) Outline its physical characteristics so that its agricultural resources
may be established.
c) Outline its socio-economic ...