Now showing items 1-10 of 53
Banking Law and Public Policy: Recent Developments in Zimbabwean Law
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1997)
Current Wage Problems in Rhodesia and Zambia
(Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1968-06)
The purpose of this paper is to discuss and to make certain critical observations on wage problems and related matters in Rhodesia and Zambia.2 For purposes of this discussion, I shall draw partly from my own research and ...
The Relevance of Budget Preparation in School Administration
(Human Resource Research Centre (HRRC) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 2008-11)
Nigerian educational system is characterized by declining resources, rising costs and greater awareness for public accountability. These conditions make the management of the available human and material resources a social ...
Regression and Inertia in the the Rhodesian Fiscal Structure— a Comment on the 1972 Budget
(Rhodesian Economic Society. (RES) University of Rhodesia (UR) (now University of Zimbabwe.) (UZ.), 1972-06)
It is my intention in this paper to comment on the structure of the budget and on Rhodesian fiscal policy in the light of this budgetary structure. I have two basic observations to make. The first is that the 1972 budget ...
The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas and the Rand
(Rhodesian Economic Society. (RES) University of Rhodesia (UR) (now University of Zimbabwe.) (UZ.), 1972-06)
At the present moment, the Rand Currency area (composed of Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and South Africa) is under serious review by its members. The fact that the present arrangements are being re-examined suggests that ...
The Tariff Policy of Rhodesia, 1899-1963
(Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1968-06)
The purpose of this paper is to outline, in a more convenient form than is at present available, the development of Rhodesian tariff policy from the beginning of the century to the end of the Federal period. It is hoped ...
The nature and measurement of poverty and the role of minimum budgets in Southern Africa: a review of 'The urban poverty datum line in Rhodesia'
(Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1975-06)
The serious reviewer of a new minimum budget study in Southern Africa at the present time has a responsibility to examine not only how good a study is the latest contribution but also the role being played by minimum budgets ...
An appraisal of the recommendations of the law development commission on misrepresentation in insurance law
(Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1998)
The Law Development Commission of Zimbabwe,* 1 whose terms of reference were to investigate the application of the duty of disclosure and warranties in insurance law, concluded that the law obtaining to warranties was ...
Rural financial markets: historical overview 1924-1991
(University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Publications., 2006)
In the period 1980 to 1991, Zimbabwe’s commercial farming sector was serviced by a highly developed and regulated financial system. In contrast, the less developed rural sector was inadequately serviced by a poor formal ...
Devaluation: notes on the position in Rhodesia and neighbouring countries
(Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.), 1967-12)
It is interesting to recall the different circumstances surrounding the successive devaluations of the pound sterling. In 1931 the severe unemployment brought on by the great depression was reason enough for the 30 per ...